Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/87

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67 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 52-jrUNE 6, 1953

and reservoir. The commission shall not include in such determination either speculative losses and damages or losses and damages for which the United States is liable. The commission shall compute the share of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of Connecticut shall each pay to the state wherein such dam and reservoir is located by multiplying the sum of such losses and damages, as previously determined, by the percentage of flood control benefits which the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of Connecticut each receives, in the allocation by states, of the flood control benefits resulting from the dam and reservoir. The commission shall send a notice to the treasurer of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and to the treasurer of the State of Connecticut setting forth in detail the sum, if any, each is to pay to the state wherein such dam and reservoir is located in reimbursement for economic losses and damages and shall also send such notice to the treasurer of the state wherein such dam and reservoir is located. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of Connecticut on receipt of such formal notification by the commission shall each pay its share of such economic losses or damages to the signatory states wherein such losses or damages occur. Full payment by either state of the Sinn specified in such formal notification from the commission as to the amount of economic losses and damages for which such state is to make reimbursement shall be a complete and final discharge of all liability by the payor state to the payee state for economic losses and damages for each flood control dam and reservoir within the payee state designated in such formal notification. Each payee signatory state shall have full responsibility for distributing or expending all such sums received and no agency, political subdivision, private person, partnership, firm, association or corporation shall have any claim against any signatory state other than the payee state, nor against the commission relative to such economic losses and damages. A signatory state may, in agreement with the commission and the chief of engineers, acquire title or option to acquire title to any or all lands, rights or other property required for any flood control dam and reservoir within its boundaries and transfer such titles or options to the United States. Whenever the fair cost to said signatory state for such titles or options, as determined by the commission, is greater than the amount received therefor from the United States, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of Connecticut shall each pay its share of such excess cost to said signatory state, such share to be determined by the commission in accordance with procedure herein contained for determining reimbursement for economic losses and damages. Whenever the commission shall not agree, within a reasonable time or within sixty days after a formal request from the governor of any signatory state, concerning reimbursement for loss of taxes or for economic losses and damages at any flood control dam and reservoir heretofore or hereafter constructed by the United States in the Connecticut River Valley, or concerning the extent, if any, to which reimbursement shall be made for additional loss of taxes and for additional economic losses and damages caused by construction, reconstruction, alteration or use of any such dam for purposes other than flood control, the governor of each signatory state shall designate a person from his state as a member of a board of arbitration, hereinafter called the board, and the members so designated shall choose one additional member who shall be chairman of such board. Whenever the members appointed by the governors to such board shall not agree within sixty days on such additional member of the board, the governors of such signatory states shall jointly designate the additional