Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/893

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67 S T A T. ]


B131 August 1, 1953


[S.cTon. Res. 47]

Resolved by the Senate {the House of Representatives concurring)^ That there be printed for the use of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary not to exceed twenty-five thousand copies of parts 1 to 13, inclusive, of the hearings and the Interim Report, dated July 17, 1953, entitled "Subversive Influence in the Educational Process", held before a subcommittee of the above committee during the Eightysecond and Eighty-third Congresses. Agreed to August 1, 1953. Aijgust 1, 1953


[S. cTon. Res. 48]

Resolved by the Senate {the House of Representatives concurring)^ That there be printed for the use of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary not to exceed twenty-five thousand copies of parts 1 to 14, inclusive, of the hearings and the interim report entitled "Interlocking Subversion in Government Departments", held before a subcommittee of the above committee during the Eighty-third Congress. Agreed to August 1, 1953. TERCENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY, VIRGINIA

Whereas Westmoreland County, which is in the Commonwealth of Virginia, was created in the year 1653; and Whereas Westmoreland County has given to the United States and the Commonwealth of Virginia an extraordinary number of distinguished citizens and patriots, among them George Washington, the Father of his Country; James Monroe, fifth President of the United States; Robert E, Lee, Commander in Chief of the Confederate Armies; Bushrod Washington, nephew of General Washington and Associate Justice -of the Supreme Court of the United States; Richard Henry Lee, author of the famous "Westmoreland Resolution" protesting the Stamp Act and signer of the Declaration of Independence; General Thomas Stuart Garnett, of Chancellorsville fame; General R. L. T. Beale, dashing cavalryman of the Confederate Army; Governor Henry (Light Horse Harry) Lee, General, United States Army, and Member of Congress; Francis Lightfoot Lee, Member of Congress and signer of the Declaration of Independence; Colonel George Eskridge, attorney for the King in Westmoreland County, member of the House of Burgesses, and guardian of George Washington's mother, Mary Ball; Daniel McCarty, member of the House of Burgesses for many years and Speaker of the House in 1715 and 1718; Willoughby Newton, Member of Congress and founder of the Virginia Agriculture Society; James Critcher, Member of Congress and eminent jurist; and many other illustrious persons: Now, therefore be it Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring)^ That the Congress joins the county of Westmoreland in commemorating its tercentennial anniversary, and acknowledges its contribution to the development and progress of the Nation. SEC. 2. A copy of this resolution, suitably engrossed and duly authenticated, shall be transmitted to the clerk of the board of supervisors of Westmoreland County. P a s s e d August 1, 1953.

^^^^^ i^ ^953 [H. Con. Res. 28]