Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/982

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Army, Department of the—Continued Page Reports to Congress, scrap or salvage materials, sales, receipts and disbursements 353 Research and development, appropriation for 341 Reserve components— Appropriation for 340 Officers and w a r r a n t officers missing in action, captured, etc.; continuation in effect of appointments. 38 Reserve Officers' Training Corps— Appropriation for 339, 340 Credit in senior division for training in junior division or schools a p proved for military t r a i n i n g. _ 521 Detail of officers on active list for d u t y with units 35 Enrollment limitations 366 Retired personnel— P a y, appropriation for 337 Restriction on payments to, for sales of supplies or war materials 437 Survivors' annuities, election 502 Uniformed Services Contingency Option Act of 1953 501 Retirement of non-Regular officers having more than t h i r t y years' active Federal service . 175 Rivers and harbors. See separate title. R y u k y u Islands, appropriation for government or occupation 430 Sackets H a r b o r Military Cemetery, use for burial of Armed Forces veterans 148 Sale of stores a t military establishments to civilian employees and certain other persons 499 Emergency powers continuation 18, 131 Savings deposits, continuation of rep a y m e n t; repeal of forfeiture by desertion .. 176 Emergency powers continuation 18, 131 Sheep M o u n t a i n Communication System, Alaska, transfer by Commerce Department 450 Soldiers' Home. See separate title. Strikes against U. S. Government, restriction on employment of persons engaging in 201 Subsistence, appropriation for 338, 339 Tables of organization and equipment, revised; submittal to Congress 356

INDEX Army, Department of the—Continued Page Uniformed Services Contingency Option Act of 1953 501 Universal Military Training and Service Act, amendments. See separate title. Vessels, transfer authorized 355 Veterans Administration, allotments and transfers of funds from, authorization 191 Washington Parish Burial Ground, D. C, exchange of certain burial lots and other property A21 Army and Air Force Vitalization and Retirement Equalization Act of 1948, Amendment, retirement of non-Regular officers having more than t h i r t y years' active Federal service 175 Army and Navy General Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark., rescission of prior construction authorization , 452 Army Chemical Center, Md., rescission of prior construction authorization 457, 460 Army Medical Center, Washington, D. C, rescission of prior construction authorization 452 Army-Navy Nurses Act of 1947, Amendments 36 Army Reserve and Retired Personnel Service Law of 1940, funds for effecting provisions 245 Army Transmitting Station, D. C, rescission of prior construction authorization 454 Arnold Engineering Development Center: A R O, Inc., repeal of restriction on payments to 23 Construction of facilities authorized 449 Art, National Gallery of, appropriation for ._ 311 Art, Works of, importation free of d u t y for exhibitions, etc 512,513 Arthritis, appropriation for control 253 Asbestos, extension of domestic purchase program 417 Asia, Assistance to: Appropriation authorized 152, 153, 156 Appropriation for 478, 479 Transfer of mutual-security funds 155 Unexpended balances of mutual-security funds, availability authorized 156 Astrophy^cal Observatory, Smithsonian Institution, appropriation for 310