Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/995

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Congress—Continued Page Congress—Continued Page Reports to—Continued Reports to—Continued District of Columbia Council on Law M u t u a l security—Continued Enforcement 102 Special use of funds, determination Executive Branch of the Government, of President 158 Commission on Organization of Transfer of funds, determination of President 155 the 144 F a r m Credit Board, Federal 393 National Safety Council, annual Foreign Economic Policy, Commisaudit 573 sion on 474 Navy, Department of the, scrap or Foreign Operations Administration, salvage materials, sales, receipts Yugoslav emergency relief asand disbursements 353 sistance 640 Pi*esident— Girl Scouts of the United States of R u b b e r requirements and resources. 413 America 583 Uniformed Services Contingency Government Printing Office, audit by Option Act of 1953, operaGeneral Accounting Office 331 tions under 504 Intergovernmental Relations, ComReconstruction Finance Corporation. 231 mission on 146 Retirement Policy for Federal PerInterior, Department of the — sonnel, Committee on, extension Indian legislation, recommendaof time for filing report 53 tions B132 R u b b e r Producing Facilities Disposal National P a r k Service, proposed Commission 412, 413 awards of concession leases Senate officers and employees, comand contracts 271 m i t t e e to s t u d y salaries of 321 Outer Continental Shelf Lands Small Business Administration 238 Act, reports under 469,470 State, Department of, Bureau of P u e r to Rico Reconstruction AdSecurity and Consular Affairs, ministration, liquidation 585 operations under Refugee Relief Reclamation investigations 265 Act of 1953 - . 407 J a m e s to w n - Williamsburg - Yorktown Treasury Department, ReconstrucCelebration Commission 576 tion Finance Corporation liquiJudicial and Congressional Salaries, dation 231 Commission on, findings 486 Washington Gas Light Co., repeal of Justice, Department of— report requirement 116 Alien Property, Office of, expenses Water compacts between Nebraska, incurred in connection with South D a k o t a, and Wyoming, activities 375 report by U. S. representative.. 365 Aliens entering United States as Weather Control, Advisory C o m m i t nonimmigrants and unable to tee on 561 r e t u r n to country of birth, Revenue revision, general, printing of etc., because of persecution, _ 403 copies of Ways and Means ComInterchange of appropriations 376 mittee hearings B152 U. S. Attorneys, special and assistRubber Producing Facilities Disposal a n t attorneys, employment and Act of 1953, action under 412, 415 compensation 375 Salaries, creation of Commission on M u t u a l security— Judicial and Congressional Salaries; Engineering fees and services 481 action to be taken 485 N e a r E a s t and Africa, military aid, Survivorship benefits 22 determination of President 156 N e a r E a s t refugees, survey, etc., Temporary employees appointed a t an by Director for M u t u a l Secuannual rate of salary, retirement rity 159 provisions 186