Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/999

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Page Defense, Department of—Continued Page Defense, Department of—Continued Contingencies, appropriation for 337 Appropriation for—Continued Contracts — Availability until expended; limitaAudit requirement, authority for extion 352 emption of contracts for facilities Armed Forces Policy Council, a p p r o i n foreign countries 451 priation for 336 Cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contracts, reArmed Services Textile and Apparel striction on use of funds for 429 Procurement Agency, restriction Dispute clause, restriction on incluon funds for 358 sion of 356 Assistant Secretaries, six additional, Gratuities, termination of contract appointment, compensation, etc (538 when offered 354 Bakery facilities, restriction on use of Price difl"erential on contracts to refunds for 429 lieve economic dislocations, reCanal Zone. See separate title. striction on payment 357 Citizenship requirements, nonapplicaCopyrights, letters p a t e n t, etc., funds bility to personnel 349 available for acquisition 350 Civilian employees— Court of Military Appeals, appropriaFunds available for instruction and tion for 338 training, restriction 350 Defense Mobilization, Office of— Limitation on n u m b e r 354 Strategic and critical materials, coClaims— operation of representatives with Appropriation for 16, 336 regard to 635 Continuation of emergency p o w e r s. _ 18, 131 Transfer of functions to 635 Time extension for filing claims for Defense Supply M a n a g e m e n t Agency, loss of property in service 317 abolishment; transfer of functions Classification Act of 1949, positions in to Secretary 638 grades 16, 17, and 18 of General Detail of military and naval personnel Schedule, authority 429 to other agencies, additional emCoast and Geodetic Survey, reimburseployment authority 350 m e n t for charts furnished by 378 Commissary stores, restrictions; a u t h o r Disbursing officers, transaction of public ity for p r i v a t e operation 353 business in event of death, etc., of; Commissioned officer personnel, limitalimitation 296 tion; assignment of vacancies 355 Disposition of supplies, goods, etc., credComptroller, special assistant to, g r a d e. 355 iting of proceeds 357 Construction and maintenance— Emergency fund, appropriation for 337 Appropriation authorized 451 Emergenc}^ Powers Continuation Act, Appropriation for 428 extension 18, 131 Appropriations Committees of Senate Enter t a i n m e n t of enlisted personnel, and House of Representatives, continuation of emergency p o w e r s. 18, 131 agreements with, prior to obligaEspionage Act, disposal of illegally extion of funds for military public ported war materials seized under. 577 works 429 Experts or consultants, temporary emAuthorization 440-461 ployment authorized; compensaCost limitation 351, 452 tion, etc 349 Establishment of completion dates Fallbrook Public Utility District, Calif., for projects 429 restriction on use of funds for suit Expediting of construction, restriction against 357 on use of funds for costs 429 Far Eastern area, loan of naval vessels, Construction of productive facilities, authority 363 authority in time of war or national emergency 177 Fiftieth Anniversary Year of Controlled Emergency powers continuation 18, 131 Powered Flight, participation i n.. 33