Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68A.djvu/524

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(including forging, drawing, rolling, shearing, punching, and stamping) on metals and known commercially as cutting oils. SEC. 4092. DEFINITION OF CERTAIN VENDEES AS A MANUFACTURER. For the purposes of this subpart a vendee who has purchased lubricating oils free of tax under section 4093 shall be considered the manufacturer or producer of such lubricating oils. SEC. 4093. EXEMPTION OF SALES TO PRODUCERS. Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary or his delegate, no tax shall be imposed under this subpart upon lubricating oils sold to a manufacturer or producer of lubricating oils for resale by him. Subpart C—Special Provisions Applicable to Petroleum Products Sec. 4101. Registration and bond. Sec. 4102. Inspection of records, returns, etc., by local officers. SEC. 4101. REGISTRATION AND BOND.

Every person subject to tax under section 4081 or section 4091 shall, before incurring any liability for tax under such sections, register with the Secretary or his delegate and shall give a bond, to be approved by the Secretary or his delegate, conditioned that he shall not engage in any attempt, by himself or by collusion with others, to defraud the United States of any tax under such sections; that he shall render truly and completely all returns, statements, and inventories required by law or regulations in pursuance thereof and shall pay all taxes due under such sections; and that he shall comply with all requirements of law and regulations in pursuance thereof with respect to tax under such sections. Such bond shall be in such sum as the Secretary or his delegate may require in accordance with regulations prescribed by him, but not less than $2,000. The Secretary or his delegate may from time to time require a new or additional bond in accordance with this section. SEC. 4102. INSPECTION OF RECORDS, RETURNS, ETC., BY LOCAL OFFICERS.

Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary or his delegate, records required to be kept with respect to taxes under this part, and returns, reports, and statements with respect to such taxes filed with the Secretary or his delegate, shall be open to inspection by such officers of any State or Territory or political subdivision thereof or the District of Columbia as shall be charged with the enforcement or collection of any tax on gasoline or lubricating oUs. The Secretary or his delegate shall furnish to any of such officers, upon written request, certified copies of any such statements, reports, or returns filed in his office, upon the payment of a fee of $1 for each 100 words or fraction thereof in the copy or copies requested.
