Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68A.djvu/573

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SUBCHAPTER B. Coconut and palm o l i.

Subchapter A—Sugar J


Sec. 4501. Imposition of tax. Sec. 4502. Definitions. Sec. 4503. Exemptions for sugar manufactured for home consumption. Sec. 4504. Import tax imposed as tariff duty. SEC. 4501. IMPOSITION OF TAX.

(a) GENERAL.—There is hereby imposed upon manufactured sugar manufactured in the United States, a tax, to be paid by the manufacturer at the following rates: (1) on all manufactured sugar testing by the polariscope 92 sugar degrees, 0.465 cent per pound, and, for each additional sugar degree shown by the polariscopic test, 0.00875 cent per pound additional, and fractions of a degree in proportion; (2) on all manufactured sugar testing by the polariscope less than 92 sugar degrees, 0.5144 cent per pound of the total sugars therein. The manufacturer shall pay the tax with respect to manufactured sugar (1) which has been sold, or used in the production of other articles, by the manufacturer during the preceding month (if the tax has not already been paid) and (2) which has not been so sold or used within 12 months ending during the preceding calendar month, after it was manufactured (if the tax has not already been paid). For the purpose of determining whether sugar has been sold or used within 12 months after it was manufactured, sugar shall be considered to have been sold or used in the order in which it was manufactured. (b) IMPORT T A X. — I n addition to any other tax or duty imposed by law, there is hereby imposed, under such regulations as the Secretary or his delegate shall prescribe, a tax upon articles imported or brought into the United States as follows: (1) on all manufactured sugar testing by the polariscope 92 sugar degrees, 0.465 cent per pound, and, for each additional sugar degree shown by the polariscopic test, 0.00875 cent per pound additional, and fractions of a degree in proportion; (2) on all manufactured sugar testing by the polariscope less than 92 sugar degrees, 0.5144 cent per pound of the total sugars therein; (3) on all articles composed in chief value of manufactured sugar, 0.5144 cent per pound of the total sugars therein. (c) TERMINATION OF T A X. — N o tax shall be imposed under this subchapter on the manufacture, use, or importation of sugar or articles composed in chief value of sugar after June 30, 1957. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) or (b), no tax shall be imposed under this subchapter with respect to unsold sugar held by a manufacturer on June 30, 1957, or with respect to sugar or articles composed §4501(0)