Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1352

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[68 Stat. XXXVIII]
[68 Stat. XXXVIII]



Farm Tenant Act—Continued ^**f® Amendments—Continued Transactions w i t h private corporations 525 Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 315 Water facility loans, use of insurance fund for 735 Farmers' Home Administration, appropriation for 315, 812 Fats and Oils, collection and publication of statistics 1017 Federal-Aid Highway Acts. See Highways. Federal Airport Act, funds for effecting provisions 423, 806 Federal Bar Association, The Foundation of the, incorporation 795 Federal Bureau of Investigation. See under Justice, Department of. Federal Caustic Poison Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 438 Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950: Amendment, extension of emergency authority 170 Funds available for effecting provisions. 150, 449, 811, 826 Federal Civil Defense Administration: Appropriation for 449, 826 Highways, consultation on civil defense aspects 74 Federal Coal Mine Safety Board of Review, appropriation for 375 Federal Communications Commission: Appropriation for 279 Communications Act of 1934, amendments. See Communications. Field Engineering and Monitoring Bureau, overtime compensation for engineers performing ship radio inspection services 729


Federal Employees Pay Act Amendments -^*^® of 1954 1109 Night and holiday work, compensation for 1110 Overtime work, compensation for 1109 P r e m i u m compensation— Limitation 1112 Positions requiring remaining in s t and by s t a t u s or substantial a m o u n t s of irregular overtime, night, or holiday d u t y 1111 Time in travel s t a t u s 1110 Work schedules 1112 Federal Employees Uniform Allowance Act 1114 Federal Expenditures, Nonessential, Joint Committee on Reduction of, appropriation for 404 Federal Facilities Corporation, appropriation for 827 Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, appropriation for 317 Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act: Amendments—Food standards, simplified procedures for establishing 54 Pesticide chemicals in or on raw agricultural commodities 511 Subpenas for witnesses, repeal of obsolete reference. 1239 Appropriation for effecting provisions. 438, 809 Federal Highway Acts. See Highways. Federal Housing Administration. See under Housing. Federal Insurance Contributions Act. See Internal Revenue Code of 1954, Volume 68A, United States Statutes at Large. Federal Intermediate Credit Banks, appropriation for 318

Federal Maritime Board. See Maritime activities under Commerce, Department of. Federal Mediation and Conciliation 336 Service: 335 Appropriation Act 792 General provisions. Appropriation Act, _

Federal Credit Union Act, Amendments: Authority of officers to administer oaths and t a k e affidavits Interest refunds, authority for Surety bonds Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Overthrow of United States Governappropriation for 314, 317 ment, restriction on employment of Federal Declaratory Judgments Act, persons advocating extension to Alaska 890 Personnel work, restriction on employees. Publicity or propaganda, restriction on Federal Deposit Insurance Act, correction use of funds for.. of obsolete references to prior Act.. 1235 Strikes against United States GovernFederal Employees' Compensation Act, ment, restriction on employment of funds for effecting provisions 434 persons engaging in Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Act of 1954 736 Federal National Mortgage Association. See under Housing. Official Reporters of Senate proceedings Federal National Mortgage Association and debates and their employees, applicability to 1116 Charter Act

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