Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/1053

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[69 Stat. XXXI]
[69 Stat. XXXI]


SUBJECT INDEX District of Columbia—Continued ^^^^ Sanitary Engineering, Department of— Appropriation for 255 Capital outlay, appropriation for 260 Sanitary sewage works fund, sums payable from 246, 247, 255, 260, 466 Securities, United States, investment in 262 Snow and ice control work, funds available 263 Southwestern redevelopment area, purchase contracts for public buildings in 297 Street lighting, rates for 262 Streetcar loading platforms, restriction on use of funds for construction 254 Strikes against United States Government or District of Columbia Government, restriction on employment of persons engaging in 261 Surveyor, Office of, appropriation for.. 253 Taxes, inheritance tax exemption for property transferred from public, municipal, charitable, educational, or religious purposes 427 Teachers. See Public schools, this title. Titles and Tags, Registrar of, continuance in grade G S - 9 254 Transportation by street-railway and bus—Repeal of Capital Transit Company franchise; authority of Commissioners to provide transportation system 724 Schoolchildren's fares, regulation of__ 616 Transportation needs, survey by National Capital Planning Commission, appropriation for 33 Vehicles and Traffic, Department of, appropriation for 254 Veterans Service Center, appropriation for 250 Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of, appropriation for 250 Wage-scale employees, funds available for pay increase 466 Washington Aqueduct, appropriation for 255, 260 Washington National Airport, appropriation for 227, 451 Water fund, sums payable from 246, 247, 255, 257, 260, 466 Wills, Office of Register of, availability of funds for contract statistical services 276 Y o u t h Council, appropriation for expenses 246 Zoological Park, National, appropriation for 256

District of Columbia Auditorium Commis- ^^^*^ sion, establishment 243 District of Columbia Law Enforcement Act of 1953, Amendment, bonding of Metropolitan Police 281 District of Columbia Revenue Act of 1937, Amendment, inheritance tax exemption for property transferred for p u b lic, municipal, charitable, educational, or religious purposes 427 District of Columbia Teachers' Salary Act of 1955 521 Dobbins Air Force Base, Ga,, construction of facilities authorized 341 Doctors Draft Act. See Universal Milit a r y Training and Service Act. Donaldson Air Force Base, S. C, construction of facilities authorized 345 Dover Air Force Base, Del., construction of facilities authorized 341 Dow Air Force Base, Maine, construction of facilities authorized 343 Drought Relief: Agricultural loans. See Emergency loans under Agriculture, Department of. Small Business Administration, loan authority 549 Drugs. See Narcotics Law Enforcement. Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, construction of facilities authorized 325 Duluth Municipal Airport, Minn., construction of facilities authorized 337 E Earle, N. J,, construction of naval facilities authorized Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hospital, D. C, appropriation for reimbursement Economic Advisers, Council of, appropriation for Economic Report, Joint Committee on: Appropriation for 40, Use of foreign currencies Edenton, N. C, Marine Corps Auxiliary Air Station, construction of family housing authorized Education. See also Schools and Colleges. International educational exchange activities, appropriation for Office of Education. See Health, Education, and Welfare, Department of. Surplus property, utilization for educational purposes White House Conference on Education, appropriation for 403,


251 193 502 288



83 462