Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/1069

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[69 Stat. XLVII]
[69 Stat. XLVII]



Independent Offices—Continued ^"-^ Indians—Continued Leasing of restricted lands for public, Strikes against United States Governreligious, educational, etc., purment, restriction on employment poses of persons engaging in 216, 364 Menominee Indian Reservation, a p Travel expenses, limitation 212 propriation for recreational direcUniform allowances, funds available tor for 468 N a v a h o Tribe, authority for purchase Veterans, restoration to former posiand exchange of lands for consolidations 212 tion purposes India, copyright cl3 New Town, N. Dak., appropriation for Indian Affairs, Bureau of. See under reimbursement for street improveIndians. ments, etc., adjoining Bureau of Indian Claims Commission, appropriation Indian Affairs property for 156 Oklahoma— Indian Head, Md., construction of naval Five Civilized Tribes, restrictions on facilities authorized 333, 334 lands, authority to m a k e wills, Indian River, Fla., issuance of p a t e n t s for etc certain lands bordering on 541 Management and disposition of reIndian Springs Air Force Base (Kirtland conveyed Choctaw and ChickaAuxiliary No. 1), Nev., construction saw Indian lands of facilities authorized 342 Osage Indian Museum, appropriation Indiana, interstate compact to conserve for curator oil and gas, consent of Congress to Papago Indian Reservation, exploration, extension 385 location, and entry of mineral lands. Indians: Pecwan Union School District, Calif., conveyance of land by Interior Bonneville D a m, increased authorizaD e part m e n t to tion for replacement of fishing Probate work, appointment of hearing grounds destroyed as result of construction 85 officers for Bureau of Indian Affairs— Pueblos of San Lorenzo and Pojoaque, Appropriation for 142, 459 sale of land to N a v a h o Tribe, authority Uniform allowances, funds available for 469 San Diego, Calif., area, funds available California, Indians of, funds available for moving and relocating demountfor expenses of claims prosecution._ 460 able housing Colorado River Reservation, Ariz., School construction costs, repeal of authority of Secretary of Interior re coupment requirements to lease unassigned lands 725 Schooling, assistance to local educaColville Reservation, Wash., purchase of tional agencies for lands in, for Mill Creek Reservoir. 143 Seligman, Ariz., appropriation for classCreek Nation, distribution of funds room facilities construction asbelonging to members 431 sistance

Dalles D a m, payments for fishing interSioux Indians— ests impaired by; relocation funds, Cheyenne River Tribe, funds availetc 361 able for payment to Five Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma, Standing Rock Tribe, conveyance of restrictions on lands, authority to Sitting Bull burial site to State make wills, etc 666 of North D a k o t a for historic Health activities. Public Health Service site funds available for; expenditures Y a n k to n Tribe, S. Dak., approprithrough Department of Interior. _ 35, 406 ation for relocation K a w Tribe, distribution of certain funds Sitting Bull burial site, conveyance of to members of 559 land to North D a k o t a for State K l a m a t h Indians, Oregon— historic site Appropriation for reimbursement for U i n t a h and Ouray Indian Reservation, irrigation expenses 143 Utah, exchange of mineral lands. Purchase of lands in K l a m a t h ReserWind River Reservation, Wyo., Shovation for Modoc Point Indian shone and Arapahoe Tribes, quarirrigation system 143 terly per capita payments







445 144 67

538 141


145 432 715



543 144

543 544