Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/1094

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[69 Stat. LXXII]
[69 Stat. LXXII]




Proclamations—Continued ^^^^ Public Health Service—Continued ^a^e Rye, rye flour, and rye meal, import Deceased members, settlement of acquota c40 counts; designation of beneficiaries, 295 Thanksgiving Day, 1954 cl5 Indian health activities, appropriation Trade agreement proclamations— for 35 Alsike clover seed, modification of Maritime Administration, transfer of trade-agreement concession c38 funds for services 230, 451 J a p a n, carrying out of protocol of Mental Health Study Act of 1955 382 terms of accession to General M u t u a l security program, appointment Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. c44 of officers for 437 Philippine trade agreement revision, Nonprofit organizations, release of reauthorizations 426 search equipment to 406 Switzerland, carrying out of suppleP a y and allowances, increase 18 m e n t a r y agreement c36 Poliomyelitis Vaccination Assistance United Nations Day, 1955 c28 Act of 1955 704 United Nations Human Rights Day, Prison System, Federal, transfer of 1954 Cl6 funds from, authority 273 Veterans' benefits, entitlement to; terProfessional and scientific positions, inminal date for service in Korean crease in n u m b e r 407 conflict cl7 Psychiatric service for District of Veterans Day, 1954 c8 Columbia Juvenile Court, approWorld Trade Week, 1955 c25 priation for payment 250 Production Credit Corporations. See F a r m Retired pay, increase 22 Credit System. Servicemen's I n d e m n i t y Act of 1951. Providence Hospital, D. C, appropriation See separate title. for reimbursement 251 Sharpe, Halsford V., appropriation auPublic Assistance, Bureau of. See under thorized for care and t r e a t m e n t 76 Social Security Administration. State health services, appropriation for Public Buildings Act of 1949: assistance to 34 Amendments— Surgeon General, Office of the, appropriation for salaries and expenses. _ 407 District of Columbia, purchase contracts for buildings in southTravel and transportation allowances, western redevelopment area 297 increase 21 Leasing of space for Federal agencies Uniform allowances, funds available for_ 469 in District of Columbia 552 Veterans Administration, allotments and Funds for effecting provisions 205 transfers of funds from, authorization 210 Public Buildings Purchase Contract Act of 1954: Public Health Service Act, Amendments: District of Columbia, southwestern reDeceased officers, settlement of acdevelopment area 297 counts, repeal 296 Funds for effecting provisions 205, 458 Mental health, grants for special projects in 382 Public Buildings Service. See under Public Housing Administration. See under General Services Administration. Housing. Public Debt: Public Lands: Limit, extension of temporary increase._ 241 [NOTE: For actions concerning individuals, see InSecond Liberty Bond Act. See sepadividual Index, following this Subject Index.] rate title. Alaska, abolition of eighty-rod reserved Services without compensation in conspaces between shoreline c l a i m s — 444 nection with program for sale of Desert lands— public-debt obligations, authority Desert-land entries on mineral lands, for acceptance 72, 82 acreage increase 138 Public Debt, Bureau of, appropriation for. 72 Waiver of "prior a p p r o p r i a t i o n " rePublic Health, utilization of surplus property for purposes of 83 Public Health Service: Air pollution control, research and technical assistance 322 Appropriation for 34, 404, 462 Career Incentive Act of 1955 18

quirement for entries dependent upon percolating waters Hawaii. See separate title. Highways, appropriation for liquidation of contract authorization Land Management, Bureau of. See under Interior, Department of the.