Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/1104

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[69 Stat. LXXXII]
[69 Stat. LXXXII]




State, Department of—Continued ^^^® State, Department of—Continued ^^^^ Foreign Service— International Fisheries Commissions, Acquisition of buildings abroad, a p appropriation for expenses; restricpropriation for 265 tion on use for attendance a t Allowances and benefits— official international conferences 268 Education for dependents 27 International Joint Commission, United States and Canada, appropriation Home service transfer 27 for 267 Physical examinations for dependents 27 International Materials Conference, restriction on use of funds for exAppointments and assignments 25 penses 280 Automobiles, application of exchange allowances or sale proceeds to International organizations, appropriation for missions to 36, 265 replacements; cost limitation 265 Justice, Department of, investigations of Career ambassadors, appointments, m a t t e r s under joint control, approqualifications, etc 537 priation for 271 Detail to Government agency, period Legal Adviser, salary 536 of service; salary reimbursement. 25 Emergencies in Diplomatic and ConM u t u a l security program. See separate sular Service, appropriation for_ 265 title. Fee s t a m p requirement, repeal; acOccupied areas, government in, approcount of fees 187 priation for 268 Olympic Games, 1960, t r a n s m i t t a l of Missions and staffs abroad, appointUnited States invitations to — ments of officers as chiefs or Detroit, Mich 8 deputy chiefs of; s t a t u s 289 Squaw Valley, Calif 131 Representation allowances, approOne-world government or citizenship, priation for 265 prohibition against use of funds for Reserve officers, period of service 26 promotion of principle 270 Retirement and disability system— Overthrow of United States GovernAnnuities, computation on basis of ment, restriction on employment highest five consecutive years of persons advocating 280 for which contributions have been m a d e 537 P a n a m a, payment to Republic of 464 P e r diem rates for foreign part i c i p a n t s Contributions, repeal of salary in exchange of persons or technical ceiling for 537 assistance programs, authority to Credit for service in Armed Forces prescribe 270 or a t unhealthful posts 26,27 Publicity or propaganda, restriction on Salary 24,25 use of funds for 280 Increase 178 R a m a Road, Nicaragua, appropriation Security officers, authority to carry for; transfer to Commerce D e part firearms 188 ment 269 Selection-out and benefits 25, 26 Salaries and expenses, appropriation for35, Foreign Service Act Amendments of 264, 463 1955 24 Security guard services, availability of General provisions. Appropriation Act_ 269, funds for reimbursement of Gen280 eral Services Administration 270 General Services Administration, t r a n s Security officers, authority to carry fer of funds to, for extension and firearms 188 remodeling of building 463 State and political subdivisions, restricInternational Boundary and W a t e r tion on use of funds to pay salaries Commission, United States and of persons serving in offices of 270 Mexico, appropriation for 266, 464 Strikes against United States GovernInternational Boundary Commission, ment, restriction on employment of United States, Alaska, and C a n a d a, persons engaging in 280 appropriation for 267 Transportation, use of GovernmentInternational Commissions, American owned vehicles in foreign countries, Sections, appropriation for 267 authority; condition 270 International contingencies, appropriaTravel expenses of personnel outside tion for 36, 266, 463 continental United States, availInternational educational exchange acability of funds 269 tivities, appropriation for 268