Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/165

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[69 Stat. 123]
[69 Stat. 123]

69 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 6 8 - J U N E 10, 1955

between the salary for his automatic grade and the next higher automatic grade for his position under such Act. (2) Employees in the automatic grades who do not retain their anniversary dates under paragraph (1), above, employees who had reached the maximum grades for their positions, and employees who occupied positions for which single rates were established under the Act of July 6, 1945, as amended, shall begin the waiting period for advancement to the next step for their positions on the date of adjustment to the schediiles in this Act. LONGEVITY S T E P - I N C R E A S E S

SEC. 404. (a) There are established for each employee longevity steps A, B, and C. For each promotion to a longevity step— (1) each postmaster at a post office of the fourth class shall receive an amount equal to 5 per centum of his basic salary, or $100 per annum, whichever is the lesser, and (2) each employee (other than a postmaster at a post office of the fourth class) shall receive $100 per annum. In computing the percentage increase under this subsection the amount of the increase shall be rounded to the nearest dollar. A half dollar or one-half cent shall be rounded to the next highest dollar or cent, respectively. (b) Each employee shall be assigned to— (1) longevity step A at the beginning of the pay period following the completion of thirteen years of service; (2) longevity step B at the beginning of the pay period following the completion of eighteen years of service; and (3) longevity step C at the beginning of the pay period following the completion of twenty-five years of service. (c)(1) There shall be credited, for the purposes of subsection (b)(A) all time on the rolls, except time on the rolls as a substitute rural carrier, in the postal field service or in the Post Office Department; (B) all time on the rolls in the custodial service of the Department of the Treasury continuous to the date of the transfer of the employee to the custodial service of the Post Office Department in accordance with Executive Order Numbered 6166, dated June 10, 1933; (C) all time on the rolls as a special-delivery messenger at a first-class post office; and (D) all time on the rolls as a clerk in a third-class post office for which payment is made from authorized allowances. (2) In determining longevity credit for the purposes of subsection (b) in the case of an employee whose continuous service in the postal field service or in the departmental service of the Post Office Department shall have been interrupted by service with the Armed Forces or to comply with a transfer during war or national emergency as defined by the United States Oivil Service Commission, all time engaged in such service with the Armed Forces or on such transfer shall be credited pro rata for each week of such service. All service specified in this subsection, whether continuous or intermittent, shall be credited on the basis of one week for each whole week the employee has been on the rolls, except that credit shall not be allowed for time on the rolls under a temporary appointment for one year or less unless such time on the rolls is continuous to the date of appointment to a position of unlimited duration.

susc i32note.

