Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/266

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[69 Stat. 224]
[69 Stat. 224]


PUBLIC LAW 118-JUNE 30, 1955


so usi: app?456. 50 USC:a^^^454

50 USC:*app.°456.

sous^app. 456.

[69 S T A T.

privileges to citizens of the United States: Provided, That any active duty performed prior to June 24, 1948, by a person in the armed forces of a country allied with the United States during World W a r II and with which the United States is associated in such mutual defense activities, shall be credited in the computation of such eighteen-month period.". (b) Subsection (b) of such section is amended by amending paragraph (3) to read as follows: "(^) Exccpt as provided in section 4(i) of this Act, and notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, no person who (A) has served honorably on active duty after September 16, 1940, for a period of not less than one year in the xlrmy, the Air Force, the Navy, the Marine Corps, or the Coast Guard, or (B) subsequent to September 16, 1940, was discharged for the convenience of the Government after having served honorably on active duty for a period of not less than six months in the Army, the Air Force, the Navy, the Marine Corps, or the Coast Guard, or (C) has served for a period of not less than twenty-four months (i) as a commissioned officer in the Public Health Service or (ii) as a commissioned officer in the Coast and Geodetic Survey, shall be liable for induction for training and service under this Act, except after a declaration of war or national emergency made by the Congress subsequent to the date of enactment of this title.". (c) Subsection (c)(2)(A) of such section is amended by inserting at the end thereof the following new sentence: "No person who has been or may be deferred under the provisions of this clause shall by reason of such deferment be liable for training and service in the Armed Forces by reason of the provisions of subsection (h) hereof after he has attained the twenty-eighth anniversary of the date of his birth.". (d) Subsection (h) of such section is amended by inserting immediately after ^Provided further,^ the following: "That the existence of a shortage or a surplus of any agricultural commodity shall not be considered in determining the deferment of any individual on the grounds that his employment in agriculture is necessary to the maintenance of the national health, safety, or interest: And provided further,\

daTeL""^"^*^°" ^^^- 1^^- Section 17(c) of the Universal Military Training and 65 Stet. 87. Service Act, as amended, is amended by striking out "July 1, 1955" 5ouscapp. 467. ^yi^gj-gygj. ^xioh date appears therein and inserting in lieu thereof "July 1, 1959". 5o^u s c a S^^* ^^'^- Section 16 of the Dependents Assistance Act of 1950, as 2216. ^ ' amended, is amended by striking out "July 1, 1955" wherever such date appears therein and inserting in lieu thereof "July 1, 1959". TITLE II tis°ts°etc.' ^' '^^"" SEC. 201. Sections 4 and 7 of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Registration. Sclectivc Service Act of 1948, as amended, so as to provide for special registration, classification, and induction of certain medical, dental, and allied specialist categories, and for other purposes", approved 5 0 ^u s ca^°' September 9, 1950 (64 Stat. 826), as amended, are amended by striking 454a and note!^' out "July 1, 1955" whercvcr such date appears therein and inserting in lieu thereof "July 1, 1957". SEC. 202. The last sentence of paragraph (1) of section 4(i) of the 50 us^c'appf 454. Universal Military Training and Service Act, as amended, is amended (1) by inserting immediately after the word "subsection" the following: " (A) after he has attained the thirty-fifth anniversary of the date of his birth, if he applies or has applied for a commission in one of the Armed Forces in any of such categories and is or has been rejected for