Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/289

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[69 Stat. 247]
[69 Stat. 247]

69 ST AT.]

PUBLIC LAW 131-JULY 5, 1955



Department of General Administration, including the rental of postage meters and affiliation with the National Safety Council, Incorporated, $3,081,850, of which $60,000 shall be payable from the highway fund, $15,000 from the water fund, $2,950 from the sanitary sewage works fund, and $800 from the motor vehicle parking fund: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available for advertising, for not more than once a week for two weeks in the regular issue of one newspaper published in the District of Columbia, the list of all taxes on real property and all special assessments, together with penalties and costs, in arrears, the cost of such advertising to be reimbursed to the general fund by a charge to be fixed annually by the Commissioners for each lot or piece of property advertised: Provided further, That this appropriation shall be available for refunding, wholly or in part, school tuition, lost library books, building permits, cigarette and alcoholic beverage tax stamps, occupational and professional fees which have not been earned, and other payments which have been erroneously made during the present and past three years. O r n c E or


Office of the Corporation Counsel, including extra compensation for the corporation counsel as general counsel of the Public Utilities Commission; $10,000 for the settlement of claims not in excess of $250 each in accordance with the Act of February 11, 1929 (45 Stat. 1160), as amended by the Act of June 5, 1930 (46 Stat. 500); and judicial expenses, including witness fees and expert services, in District of Columbia cases before the courts of the United States and of the District of Columbia; $442,900, of which $20,000 shall be payable from the highway fund. COMPENSATION AND RETIREMENT F U N D EXPENSES

Compensation and retirement fund expenses, including District government employees' compensation; administrative expenses, workmen's compensation, to be transferred to the Bureau of Employees' ('!ompensation for administration of the law providing compensation for disability or death resulting from injury to employees in certain employments in the District of Columbia; unemployment compensation for District government employees; financing the liability of the government of the District of Columbia to the "Civil service retirement and disability fund" and the "Teachers' retirement and annuity fund"; and relief and other allowances as authorized by law for policemen and firemen; $10,036,000, of which $2,640,000, including $211,400 payable from the highway fund, $108,300 from the water fund, and $4,500 from the motor vehicle parking fund, shall be placed to the credit of the "Civil service retirement and disability fund": Provided, That $260,000 for District government employees' compensation shall remain available until expended. REGULATORY AGENCIES

Regulatory agencies, including juror fees, repairs to the morgue, and uniforms and caps for guards and morgue employees, $967,000.


ac.code 1-902.