Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/533

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[69 Stat. 491]
[69 Stat. 491]



Public Law 226


PUBLIC LAW 227-AUG, 4, 1955


AN ACT For the relief of desert land entrymen whose entries are dependent upon percolating waters for reclamation.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the requirement of section 1 of the Desert Land Act of March 3, 1877 (19 Stat. 377), that the right to the use of water by a desert land entryman "shall depend upon bona fide prior appropriation" shall be waived in the case of all desert land entries which have heretofore been allowed and are subsisting on the effective date of this Act, which are dependent upon percolating waters for their reclamation, and which are situated in the State of Arizona under the laws of which the percolating waters upon which the entries are dependent are not subject to the doctrine of prior appropriation but are usable under State law for irrigation and reclamation purposes. Approved August 4, 1955.

Public Law 227

August 4, 195S [S.U773

Desertlarid entrymen. Relief. 43 USC 321.


AN ACT To provide for the payment of compensation to oflScers and members of the Metropolitan Police force, the United States Park Police force, the White House Police force, and the Fire Department of the District of Columbia, for duty performed on their days off, when such days off are suspended during an emergency.

August 4, 1955 [S.2427]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the first section firemwi.^'*"*'* "*'* of the Act entitled "An Act to provide a five-day week for officers and compen satory members of the Metropolitan Police force, the United States Park Police force, and the White House Police force", approved August 15, 1950, as amended (D. C. Code, sec. 4—904), is amended by adding 65 Stat. 27. at the end thereof the following new subsection: "(f) Whenever the granting of days off has been suspended and discontinued pursuant to this section, each officer and member shall be entitled to receive, in addition to his annual basic salary, compensation at the basic daily rate for each day of duty which he performs by reason of the suspension and discontinuance of his days off under this section. Any officer or member so performing duty shall be entitled to all rights, benefits, and privileges, and shall be subject to all obligations and duties to which he is entitled or to which he is subject on any regular workday. Such compensation shall be treated for the purpose of computing retirement compensation or relief payments, or for deduction, in the same manner as is compensation for duty voluntarily performed under subsection (e) of this section." SEC. 2, Subsection (b) of section 2 of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Act entitled 'An Act to classify the officers and members of the Fire Department of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes', approved June 20, 1906, and for other purposes", approved D. June 19, 1948 (62 Stat. 499), is amended by adding at the end thereof 404a. C. C o d e the following: "Whenever the granting of days off has been suspended and discontinued pursuant to this subsection, each officer and member shall be entitled to receive, in addition to his annual basic salary, compensation at the basic daily rate for each day of duty which he performs by reason of the suspension and discontinuance of his days off under this subsection. Any officer or member so performing duty