Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/60

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[69 Stat. 18]
[69 Stat. 18]


50 USC 194 If.

PUBLIC LAW 20-MAR. 31, 1955



C a r e e r Incentive Act of 1955. 37 USC 231 note. 37 USC 232.


Any of such tank cars not sold or under lease or transferred as hereinabove provided shall be placed and maintained in adequate standby condition pursuant to the r)rovisions of section 8 of the Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Act of 1953. SEC. 1. The provisions of this Act shall not be applicable to the disposal of any Government-owned rubber-producing facilities other than Plancor Numbered 877 and 448 pressure tank cars (ICC Classification-ICC 104AW); and all action taken pursuant to the provisions of the Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Act of 1953 prior to the enactment of this Act shall be governed by the provisions of that Act as it existed prior to the enactment of this Act and shall have the same force and effect as if this Act had not been enacted. Approved March 31, 1955. Public Law 20

March 31.1955 [H. R. 4720]


C H A P T E R 20

AN ACT To provide incentives for members of the uniformed services by increasing certain pays and allowances.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Career Incentive Act of 1955". SEC. 2. The Career Compensation Act of 1949 (63 Stat. 804), as amended, is further amended as follows: (1) Section 201(a) is amended by striking out the tables therein and inserting the following in lieu thereof: 'COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Years of service " P a y grade Under 2 0-8 0-7 0-6 0-5 0-4 0-3 0-2 0-1

$963.30 800.28 592.80 474.24 400.14 326.04 259.36 222.30

Over 2 $963.30 800.28 592.80 474. 24 400.14 326.04 274.18 237.12


Over 4

Over 6


Over 10

$1,021.80 850.20 631.80 507.00 429.00 351.00 335.40 296.40

$1,021. 80 850.20 631.80 507.00 429.00 374.40 335.40 296.40

$1,021. 80 850.20 631.80 507.00 429.00 405.60 351.00 312.00

$1,021.80 850.20 631.80 507.00 452.40 421.20 366.60 327.60

$1,021.80 850.20 631.80 507.00 483.60 436.80 382.20 343.20

Years of service "Pay grade Over 12 0-8 0-7 0-6 0-5. 0-4 0-3 0-2 0-1.

Over 14

Over 16

Over 18

Over 22

Over 26

Over 30

$1,021.80 850.20 631.80 530.40 499. 20 452. 40 397. 80 358.80

$1,021. 80 850.20 631.80 561.60 514.80 468.00 413. 40 374.40

$1,021.80 850.20 655.20 577. 20 530.40 483.60 413.40 374.40

$1,021.80 850.20 717.60 608.40 561.60 499.20 413.40 374.40

$1, 021.80 850.20 748.80 639.60 577.20 514.80 413.40 374.40

$1, 021.80 904.80 780.00 670.80 592. 80 514.80 413.40 374. 40

$1,076.40 967.20 811.20 670.80 592.80 514.80 413. 40 374.40


OFFICERS Years of service

" P a y grade Under 2 W-4 W-3 W-2 W-1

$332.90 302.64 264.82 219.42

Over 2 $354.90 323.70 280.80 251.20

Over 3 $354.90 323.70 280.80 251.20

Over 4 $354.90 323.70 280.80 251.20

Over 6 $370.50 331.50 288.60 266.80

Overs $386.10 339.30 304.20 286.30

Over 10 $401.70 347.10 319.80 294.10