Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/675

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[69 Stat. 633]
[69 Stat. 633]




PUBLIC LiAW 343-AUG. 11, 1955

SEC. 2. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to accept donations of funds for rehabilitation and preservation of the historic properties including any made upon condition that such funds are to be expended only if Federal funds in an amount equal to the donated funds are appropriated for such purposes. There are authorized to be appropriated such funds as may be necessary to match funds that may be donated for purposes of this Act. SEC. 3. The Federal Hall Memorial National Historic Site, established pursuant to the Historic Sites Act of August 21, 1935 (49 Stat. 666), shall hereafter be known as the "Federal Hall National Memorial". Approved August 11, 1955. Public Law 342

16 USC 461-467.


AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Commerce, acting through the Coast and Geodetic Survey, to assist the States of Maryland and Delaware to reestablish their common boundary.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United, States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Commerce, acting through the Coast and Geodetic Survey, is authorized and directed, upon the joint request of (1) the Board of Natural Resources of the State of Maryland, and (2) the State Archivist and the Chief Engipeer of the Highway Department of the State of Delaware, to resurvey that part of the common boundary running generally north and south between the States of Maryland and Delaware which was originally surveyed and marked by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon in the years 1763-1767 with a view to assisting such States to remark or otherwise delineate such boundary. Approved August 11, 1955. Public Law 343


August 11, 1955 [S. 987]

Coast and Geodetic Survey. Md.-Del.' boundary, resurvey.


AN ACT To permit national banks to make twenty-year real estate loans, and nine-month residential construction loans.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the first paragraph of section 24 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended (U.S.C. 1952 edition, title 12, sec. 371), is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 24. Any national banking association may make real estate loans secured by first liens upon improved real estate, including improved farmland and improved business and residential properties. A loan secured by real estate within the meaning of this section shall be in the form of an obligation or obligations secured by a mortgage, trust deed, or other instrument upon real estate, which shall constitute a first lien on real estate in fee simple or, under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Comptroller of the Currency, on a leasehold (1) under a lease for not less than ninety-nine years which is renewable or (2) under a lease having a period of not less than fifty years to run from the date the loan is made or acquired by the national banking association, and any national banking association may purchase any obligation so secured w'hen the

August 11, 1955 [S. 1189]

National banks. Real estate and r e s i d e n tial construction l o a n s. 38 Stat. 273.