Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/108

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98 TREATY WITH THE CHOCTAWS. 1805. Oche Hau'o, Tnskenehau, William McIntosh, Enehau Thlucco, Tuskenehau Chapco, Chekopeheke Emantlau. Signed and sealed in the presence of, James Madison, Rt. Smith, Benjamin Hawkins, Timothy Barnard, Jno. Smith, Andrew McClary. The foregoing articles have been faithfully interpreted. TIMOTHY BARNARD, Interpreter. To the Indian names are subjoined amark and seal. A TREATY OF LIMITS Nqv,16, 1805, Between the United States tf America and the Chaktaw Nation

5- of Indians.

Proclamation, Feb. 25, 1808. Tnoivms JEFFERSON, President of the United States of America, by James Robertson, of Tennessee, and Silas Dinsmoor, of New Hampshire, agent of the United States to the Chaktaws, commissioners plenipotentiary of the United States, on the one part, and the Mmgoes, Chiefs and warriors of the Chaktaw nation of Indians, in council assembled, on the other part, have entered into the following agreement, viz: Cgssion to the Anrrcnm I. The Mingoes, chiefs, and warriors of the Chaktaw nation United States. of Indians in behalf of themselves, and the said nation, do by these pre— sents cede to the United States of America, all the lands to which they now have or ever had claim, lying to the right of the following lines, to say. Beginning at a branch of the Humachecto where the same is intersected by the present Chaktaw boundary, and also by the path leading from Natchez to the county of \Vashington, usually called M’Clarey’s path, thence eastwardly along M’Clarey’s path, to the east 0r_left bank of Pearl river, thence on such a direct line as would touch the lower end of a bluff on the left bank of Chickasawhay river the first above the Hiyoowannee towns, called Broken Bluff, to a point within four miles of the Broken Bluff thence in a direct line nearly parallel with the river to a point whence an east line of four miles in length will intersect the river below the lowest settlement at present occupied and improved in the Hiyoowannee town, thence still east four miles, thence in a direct line nearly parallel with the river to a point on a line to be run from the lower end of the Broken Bluff to Faluktabunnee on the Tombigbee river four miles from the Broken Bluff thence along the said line to Faluktabunnee, thence east to the boundary between the Creeks and Chaktaws on the ridge dividing the waters running into the Alabama from those running into Tombigbee, thence southwardly along the said ridge and boundary to the southern point of the Chaktaw claim. Reservation, Reserving a tract of tW0 miles square run on meridians and parallels S0 as to include the houses and improvements in the town of Fuketcheepoonta, and reserving also a tract of five thousand one hundred and twenty acres, beginning at a post on the left bank of Tombigbee river opposite the lower end of Hatchatigbee Bluff, thence ascending the river four miles front and two back one hall, for the use of Alzira, the other half for the use of Sophia, daughters of Samuel Mitchell, by Molly, a Chaktaw woman. The latter reserve to be subject to the same