Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/157

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TREATY WITH THE OTTAWAS, ETC. 1816. 147 of establishing permanent peace and friendship, have, for the purpose of removing all diiiiculties, agreed to the following terms: Am-. 1. The said chiefs and warriors, for themselves and the tribes Cession to the they represent, agree to relinquish, and hereby do relinquish, to the U“"°d S““°°· United States, all their right, claim, and title, to all the land contained in the before·mentioned cession of the Sacs and Foxes, which lies south of a due west line from the southern extremity of Lake Michigan to the Mississippi river. And they moreover cede to the United States all the land contained within the following bounds, to wit: beginning on the left bank of the Fox river of Illinois, ten miles above the mouth of said Fox river; thence running so as to cross Sandy creek, ten miles above its mouth; thence, in a direct line, to a point ten miles north of the west end of the Portage, between Chicago creek, which empties into Lake Michigan, and the river Depleines, a fork of the Illinois; thence, in a direct line, to a point on Lake Michigan, ten miles northward of the mouth of Chicago creek; thence, along the lake, to a point ten miles southward of the mouth of the said Chicago creek; thence, in a direct line, to a point on the Kankakee, ten miles above its mouth; thence, with the said Kankakee and the Illinois river, to the mouth of Fox river, and thence to the beginning: Provided, nevertheless, That Proviso. the said tribes shall be permitted to hunt and to fish within the limits of the land hereby relinquished and ceded, so long as it may continue to be the property of the United States. Arm 2. In consideration of the aforesaid relinquishment and cession, Consideration, the United States have this day delivered to said tribes a considerable quantity of merchandise, and do agree to pay them, annually, for the term of twelve years, goods to the value of one thousand dollars, reckoning that value at the first cost of the goods in the city or place in which they shall be purchased, without any charge for transportation; which said goods shall be delivered to the said tribes at some place on the Illinois river, not lower down than Peoria. And the said United States Reignqujsh. do moreover agree to relinquish to the said tribes all the land contained ment by U- S- in the aforesaid cession of the Sacs and Foxes, which lies north of a due west line, from the southern extremity of Lake Michigan to the Mississippi river, except three leagues square at the mouth of the Ouisconsing river, including both banks, and such other tracts, on or near to the Ouisconsing and Mississippi rivers, as the president of the United States may think proper to reserve: Provided, That such other Pmvigm tracts shall not in the whole exceed the quantity that would be contained in live leagues square. Am. 3. The contracting parties, that peace and friendship may be pew, ,,,,1 permanent, promise that in all things whatever, they will act with justice friendship. and correctness towards each other, and that they will, with perfect good faith, fullill all the obligations imposed upon them by former treaties. In witness whereof, the said Ninian Edwards, William Clark, and Auguste Chouteau, commissioners aforesaid, and the chiefs and warriors of the aforesaid tribes, have hereunto subscribed their names and adixed their seals, this twenty-fourth day of Auguste, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, and of the independance of the United States the forty-first. NINIAN EDWARDS, WM. CLARK, AUGUSTE CHOUTEAU.