Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/298

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288 TREATY WITH THE CREEKS. 1826. ARTICLE 9. p,,,,,,,,,,, In consideration of the exertions used by the friends and followers Indians. of General McIntosh to procure a cession at the Indian Springs, and of their past difdculties and contemplated removal, the United States agree to present to the Chiefs of the party, to be divided among the Chiefs and Warriors, the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, if such party shall amount to three thousand persons, and in that proportion for any smaller number, Fifteen thousand dollars of this sum to be paid immediately after the ratification of this treaty, and the residue upon their arrival in the country west of the Mississippi. ARTICLE 10. Cm,,,, d,,m_ It is agreed by the Creek Nation, that an agent shall be appointed by ages to be as- the President, to ascertain the damages sustained by the friends and- fol- °°'”““°d· &·°· lowers of the late General McIntosh, in consequence of the diliiculties growing out of the Treaty of the Indian Springs, as set forth in an agreement entered into with General Gaines, at the Broken Arrow, and which have been done contrary to the laws of the Creek Nation ; and such damages shall be repaired by the said Nation, or the amount paid out of the annuity due to them. ARTICLE 11. Commissbm All the improvements which add real value to any part of the land ers to value itn· herein ceded shall be appraised by Commissioners, to be appointed by P’°"°m°¤‘¤· the President; and the amount thus ascertained shall be paid to the parties owning such improvements. · ARTICLE 12. p,,,,,,,,,,,, 0; Possession of the country herein ceded shall be yielded by the Creeks country ceded. on or belbre the first day of January next. ARTICLE 13. Guarantee by The United States agree to guarantee to the Creeks all the country, U- S- not herein ceded, to which they have a just claim, and to make good to them any losses they may incur in consequence of the illegal conduct of any citizen of the United States within the Creek country. ARTICLE 14. Amo,,, of The President of the United States shall have authority to select, in the President. some part of the Creek country, a tract of land, not exceeding two sections, where the necessary public buildings may be erected, and the persons attached to the agency may reside. ARTICLE 15. 1,;;,.,,-ry gm;. Wherever any stream, over which it may be necessary to establish vd the Creeks- ferries, forms the boundary of the Creek country, the Creek Indians shall have the right of ferriage from their own land, and the citizens of the United States from the land to which the Indian title is extinguished. ARTICLE 16. Commission· The Creek Chiefs may appoint three Commissioners from their own ¤f¤*q ¤¤¢pd;l1¤ people, who shall be allowed to attend the running of the lines west of fi‘;';';:“g °° the Chatahoochy river, and whose expenses, while engaged in this duty, shall be defrayed by the United States.