Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/543

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TREATY WITH THE KIOWAS, ETC. 1837. 533 lands in the State of Indiana, in which the chiefs and head men above named have an interest, the same having been reserved for them and their bands respectively in the treaties of October 26th and 27th 1832. And the chiefs and head men above named, for themselves and their Land ceded to bands, do hereby cede to the United States all their interest in said lands, the U. S. and agree to remove to a country that may be provided for them by the I¤di¤¤q tq re- President of the United States, southwest of the Missouri river, within ;“°”° w"h"‘ two years from the ratification of this treaty. wo y°°m' Am-. 2, The United States agree that theseveral sums, for the pay- p,,,,,,,,,,, by ment of which provision is made in the treaties of August and Septem- the U. S. ber 1836, referred to in the preceding article, shall be paid to the &Ag‘{g>PP·505 respective chiefs and bands, for whose benefit the lands, ceded by said ° treaties, were reserved. An-;-. 3. The United States further agree to convey by patent to the U. S. to con- Potawatomies of Indiana, a tract of country, on the Osage river south- VFY °""‘°l“ *°'· west of the Missouri river, sufficient in extent, and adapted to their i° In` habits and wants; remove them to the same; furnish them with one year’s subsistence after their arrival there, and pay the expenses of this treaty, and of the delegation now in this city. ART. 4. It is further stipulated, that the United States will purchase U. S. to purthe " five sections in the prairie, near Rock Village" reserved for Qui- chase ¤¤¤’*¤i¤ qui-to, in the second article of the treaty of October 20th 1832 for the r°_i$;°'¥,_I'§}gj sum of $4,000; to be paid to said chief at such times and places as the i President of the United States may think proper. ART. 5. This treaty to be obligatory upon the contracting parties Treaty binding when ratified by the President and Senate of the United States. “'h°¤ ¤¤*m<=d· In witness whereof the contracting parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. JOHN T. DOUGLASS, C0mmiss2`01zc¢•. Qui-qui-taw, Muck-kose, Chechaw-kose, Sin-qui-waugh, Ash-kum, P0-ga-kose. We-saw or Louison, Signed in presence of G. C. Johnston. Isaac McCoy. John C. Burnett, Abram B. Burnett, William Turner, Interpreters. To the lndiun names are subjoined marks. T R E A T Y With the Iéoway, Ka-ta-ka and Ta·wa~ka-ro, Nations of Indians. May 26, ,83-,_ Wunnnas a treaty of peace and friendship was made and signed on the 24th day of August 1835, between Montfort Stokes and Brigadier Ante, p. 474. General Matthew Arbuckle, commissioners on behalf of the United States on the one part; and the chiefs, and head-men and representatives of the Comanche, Witchetaw, Cherokee Muscogee, Choctaw, Osage, Seneca and Quapaw nations or tribes of Indians on the other part: and whereas the said treaty has been duly ratified by the Government of the United States; now know all whom it may concern, that the President of the United States, by letter of appointment and instructions of the 7th day of April 1837, has authorised Col. A. P. Chouteau to make a convention or treaty between the United States and any of the nations or tribes of Indians of the Great 1rVestern Prairie; we the said Montfort Stokes, and A. P. Chouteau, commissioners of Indian treaties, have this day made and concluded a treaty 0; ptgice and friendu