Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1156

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[70 Stat. 1100]
[70 Stat. 1100]


PUBLIC LAW 1020-AUG. 7, 1956



"(2) the local public agency proposes to undertake promptly an urban renewal project embracing at least 10 per centum of such area, upon completion of the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan and the preparation of an urban renewal plan for such project; and "(3) the governing body of the locality has by resolution or ordinance (i) approved the undertaking of the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan and the submission of an application for such advance and (ii) represented that such plan will be used to the fullest extent feasible as a guide for the provision of public improvements in such area and that the plan will be considered in formulating codes and other regulatory measures affecting property in the area and in undertaking other local governmental activities pertaining to the development, redevelopment, rehabilitation, and conservation of the area. The contract for any such advance of funds for a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan shall be made upon the condition that such advance shall be repaid, with interest at not less than the applicable going Federal rate, out of any moneys which become available to the local public agency for the undertaking of the first urban renewal project in such area: Provided, That in the event of the undertaking of any other project or projects in such area an appropriate allocation of the amount of the advance, with interest, may be effected to the end that each such project may bear its proper allocable part, as determined by the Administrator, of the cost of the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan. As used herein, a General Neighborhood Renewal Plan means a preliminary plan (conforming, in the determination of the governing body of the locality, to the general plan of the locality as a whole and to the workable program of the commu42 u#c \At\. ^^^^y meeting the requirements of section 101) which outlines the urban renewal activities proposed for the area involved, provides a framework for the preparation of urban renewal plans and indicates generally, to the extent feasible in preliminary planning, the land uses, population density, building coverage, prospective requirements for rehabilitation and improvement of property, and any portions of the area contemplated for clearance and redevelopment." ai^tt p^/ro97.^ ^'*' (b) Section 102(d) of such Act is further amended by striking out 42'use 1452. The Administrator may make advances of funds to local public agencies for" and inserting in lieu thereof "The Administrator may make advances of funds to local public agencies for surveys of urban areas to determine whether the undertaking of urban renewal projects therein may be feasible and for". 42 USC U56. SEC. 304. Section 106(e) of the Housing Act of 1949 is amended by striking out "$70,000,000" and inserting in lieu thereof •'$100,000,000". SEC. 305. Section 106 of such Act is further amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: "(f)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, an urban renewal project respecting which a contract for a capital grant is - executed under this title may include the making of relocation payments (as defined in paragraph (2)); and such contract shall provide that the capital grant otherwise payable under this title shall be increased by an amount equal to such relocation payments and that no part of the amount of such relocation payments shall be required to be contributed as part of the local grant-in-aid. "(2) As used in this subsection, the term 'relocation payments' means payments by a local public agency, in connection with a project, to individuals, families, and business concerns for their reasonable and necessary moving expenses and any actual direct losses of property