Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1529

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[70 Stat. XXV]
[70 Stat. XXV]

SUBJECT Clearfield, Utah, construction of facilities ^^^^ authorized 997 Cleveland, Ohio: P a n American games to be held in 1959715 Appropriation for 772 Veterans hospital a t Wade P a r k site, n u m b e r of beds 350 Clinton-Sherman Air Force Base, Okla., construction of facilities authorized-_ 1008 Clovis Air Force Base, N. Mex., construction of facilities authorized 1010 Coal, transportation by Canadian vessels to Ogdensburg, N. Y., from other points in United States, authority 1090 Coal Mine Safety Board of Review, appropriation for 267 Coast and Geodetic Survey: Appropriation for 179, 316, 679 Career Compensation Act of 1949, amendments. See separate title. Charts— Increase in distribution 512 Reimbursement for 316 Dependents' Medical Care Act 250 Disability retirement, dates for 933 M u t u a l security program, appointment of officers for ' 562 Notaries, authorizing certain officers in isolated areas to act as 988 Survivor Benefits Act 857 Coast Guard. See also Armed Forces; Defense, Department of. Aircraft on hand, limitation 93 Appropriation for 93, 173, 183, 690 Automatic radiotelegraph call selectors, investigation, report, and recommendation on installation on certain cargo ships, authorized 967 Brown's Point Coast Guard Light Station Reservation, conveyance of certain property to Pierce County, Wash., located a t 1073 Career Compensation Act of 1949, amendments. See separate title. Certificate of service, discharge, etc., no charge to veteran for copy of 297 Commissioned officers, n u m b e r temporarily increased; o a t h of office 588 Counsel fees and court costs incident to personnel representation before foreign judicial tribunals and administrative agencies 630 D e p e n d e n t s ' Medical Care Act 250 Enlisted members, m a k e u p for time lost during enlistment 631 Inspection and certification— Cargo vessels 223 Passenger-carrying vessels 151 Life preservers for river steamers, requirement 222

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Coast Guard—Continued ^*^'® Loran stations, transfer of funds for 680 Maritime navigation aids, authority to prescribe and enforce 226 Operating expenses— Appropriation for _ _ 183 Transfer of funds from Navy Department 461 P a n a m a Canal Company, transfer of certain property by Treasury to 511 Reenlistment bonuses— Refund of unearned portion 338 Validation of certain bonuses 373 Reserve components— Disability or death benefits— Eligibility for 115 Increase, etc 981 Reserve training, appropriation for__ 173 Training period pay 115 Retirement— Disability, retirement dates for 933 P a y of certain commissioned officers with 40 years service 114 Schooling for dependents of personnel stationed outside continental United States, funds available 94 Supply Fund, authorization 1077 Survivor Benefits Act 857 Temporary Promotion Act of 1941, amendment, extension of existing application to 588 Coast Guard Academy, United States: Academy appointees, continuation of enlistment contract 333 Survivor Benefits Act 857 Cobalt, Idaho, disposal of defense housing project 1106 Code Annotated, United States, price limitation 280 Code of Federal Regulations, appropriation for printing, binding, and distribution . 369 Coinage Metals Revolving Funds, increase 518 Colon, Panama, conveyance of certain lands to United States by P a n a m a Canal Company 512 Colonial National Historical Park, Ya.: Land exchanges 61 Sewage-disposal system for Yorktown area, construction authorized 64 Colorado: Colorado River storage project 105 Great Plains conservation program 1115 Great Sand Dunes National Monument, revision of boundaries, proclamation c31 Hovenweep National Monument, revision of boundaries, proclamation c26