Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70A.djvu/17

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XVII C HAPT ER 305.—THE ARMY S T A F F Sec. 3031. Composition: assignment and detail of members of Army and civilians 3032 General duties 3033. Reserve components of "Army; policies and regulations for government of 3034. Chief of Staff: appointment; duties 3035. Vice Chief of Staff, Deputy Chief of Staff, and Assistant Chiefs of Staff: succession to duties of Chief of Staff 3036. Chiefs of branches: appointments; duties 3037. J u d g e Advocate General, Assistant J u d g e Advocate General, and general officers of J u d g e Advocate Gteneral's Corps: appointment; duties , 3038. Chiefs of Engineers: additional duties 3039. Inspector G e n e r a l; Provost Marshal Gteneral 3040. Deputy and assistant chiefs of branches

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C H A P T E R 307.—THE ARMY Sec. 3061. 3062. 3063. 3064 3065. 3066. 3067. 3068. 3069. 3070. 8071. 3072. 3073. 3074. 3075. 3076. 3077 3078. 3079.

Regulati'ons Policy; composition; organized peace establishment Basic branches Special branches Assignment and d e t a i l: officers assigned or detailed to basic and special branches Generals and lieutenant generals Army Medical Service Medical Service Corps: organization; Chief and a s s i s t a n t chiefs__ Army N u r s e Corps: Chief; appointment Women's Medical Specialist Corps: organization; Chief and assista n t chiefs Women's Army Corps: D i r e c to r; Deputy D i r e c to r; other positions^ J u d g e Advocate General's Corps Chaplains Commands: territorial organization; engineer tactical units Regular Army: composition Army R e s e r v e: composition Army National Guard of United States: composition Army National G u a r d: when a component of Army Army National Guard of United States: s t a t u s when not in Federal service

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PART II. PEESONNEL C H A P T E R 331.—STRENGTH Sec. 3201. 3202. 3203. 3204. 3205. 3206. 3207. 3209. 3210. 3211. 3212. 3213. 3214.

Army: members on active duty Army: officers in certain commissioned grades Regular Army: members on active duty Regular Army: commissioned officers on active list Regular Army: commissioned officers on active list, exclusive of certain categories Regular Army: commissioned officers on active l i s t; Army Nurse Corps Regular Army: commissioned officers on active list; Women's Medical Specialist Corps Regular Army: commissioned officers on active l i s t; other b r a n c h e s; Women's Army Corps Regular Army: strength in g r a d e; general officers Regular Army: strength in g r a d e; promotion-list officers Regular Army: strength in g r a d e; temporary increases Regular Army: w a r r a n t officers on active list Regular Army: enlisted members on active duty 81913 a—56


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