Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70A.djvu/651

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593 9802 of this title, or receiving payment of a claim under section 980S or 9804 of this title. The report shall include a description of the claim, the names of the vessels involved, a statement of the amount paid or received, the basis of the determination, and other pertinent information. The Secretary shall also report to Congress at each session all amounts paid or received under those sections during the period covered by the report. However, during a war, the Secretary may omit from a report under this section any information the disclosure of which he believes would prejudice the national security. § 9806. Settlement or compromise: final and conclusive Notwithstanding any other provision of law, upon acceptance of payment the settlement or compromise of a claim under section 9802. or 9803 of this title is final and conclusive. CHAPTER 953.—ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY Bee.

8831. 9832. 9833. 9835. 9836. 9837. 9838. 9839. 9840.

Custody of departmental records and property. Property accountability: regulations. Accountability for public money: disbursing oflScers: agent officers. Reports of survey. Individual equipment: unauthorized disposition. Settlement of accounts: deductions from pay. Settlement of accounts: affidavit of squadron commander. Settlement of accounts: oaths. Final settlement of officer's accounts.

§ 9831. Custody of departmental records and property The Secretary of the Air Force has custody and charge of all books, records, papers, furniture, fixtures, and other property under the lawful control of the executive part of the Department of the Air Force. § 9832. Property accountability: regulations The Secretary of the Air Force may prescribe regulations for the accounting for Air Force property and the fixing of responsibility for that property. §9833. Accountability for public money: disbursing officers; agent officers Under such regulations as the Secretary of the Air Force may prescribe, any officer of the Air Force accountable for public money may intrust it to another officer of the Air Force to make disbursements as his agent. Both the officer to whom money is intrusted under this section, and the officer who intrusts the money to him, are pecuniarily responsible for that money to the United States. § 9835. Reports of survey (a) Under such regulations as the Secretary of the Air Force may prescribe, any officer of the Air Force designated by him may act upon reports of surveys and vouchers pertaining to the loss, spoilage, unserviceability, unsuitability, or destruction of or damage to property of the United States under the control of the Department of the xViV Force.