Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1091

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[72 Stat. 1049]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1049]



PUBLIC LAW 86-840-AUG. 28, 1958


fare for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan, including services which are provided by the staff of the State agency (or of the local agency administering the State plan in the political subdivision) to relatives with whom such children (applying for or receiving such aid) are living, in order to help such relatives attain self-support or self-care, or which are provided to maintain and strengthen family life for such children." AID TO THE


SEC. 503. Subsection (a) of section 1003 of the Social Security Act is amended to read as follows: " (a) From the sums appropriated therefor, the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay to each State which has an approved plan for aid to the blind, for each quarter, beginning with the quarter commencing October 1, 1958, (1) in the case of any State other than Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam, an amount equal to the sum of the following proportions of the total amounts expended during such quarter as aid to the blind under the State plan (including expendi1 ures for insurance premiums for medical or any other type of remedial care or the cost thereof) — " (A) four-fifths of such expenditures, not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as exceeds the product of $30 multipled by the total number of recipients of aid to the blind for such month (which total number, for purposes of this subsection, means (i) the number of individuals who received aid to the blind in the form of money payments for such month, plus (ii) the number of other individuals with respect to whom expenditures were made in such month as aid to the blind in the form of medical or any other type of remedial c a r e); plus " (B) the Federal percentage of the amount by which such expenditures exceed the maximum which may be counted under clause (A), not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as exceeds the product of $65 multiplied by the total number of such recipients of aid to the blind for such month; and (2) in the case of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam, an amount equal to one-half of the total of the sums expended during such quarter as aid to the blind under the State plan (including expenditures for insurance premiums for medical or any other type of remedial care or the cost thereof), not counting so much of any expenditure with respect to any month as exceeds $35 multiplied by the total number of recipients of aid to the blind for such month;

ind (3) in the case of any State, an amount equal to one-half of the

total of the sums expended during such quarter as found necessary by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for the proper and efficient administration of the State plan, including services which are provided by the staff of the State agency (or of the local agency administering the State plan in the political subdivision) to applicants for and recipients of aid to the blind to help them attain selfsupport or self-care."

^2 USC 1203.


SEC. 504. Subsection (a) of section 1403 of the Social Security Act is amended to read as follows: " (a) From the sums appropriated therefor, the Secretary of the Treasury shall pay to each State which has an approved plan for aid to the permanently and totally disabled, for each quarter, beginning with the quarter commencing October 1, 1958, (1) m the case of any State other than Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Guam, an

^^ "^c 1353.