Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1366

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[72 Stat. 1324]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1324]


PUBLIC LAW 85-859-SEPT. 2, 1958 "(2)





BOTTLING.—Whenever any distilled spirits withdrawn from bond on or after July 1, 1959, on payment or determination of tax for rectification or bottling are (before the completion of the bottling and casing or other packaging of such spirits for removal from the bottling premises of the distilled spirits plant to which removed from bond) found by the proprietor who withdrew such spirits to be unsuitable for the purpose for which intended to be used, such spirits may, on application to the Secretary or his delegate, be destroyed after such gauge and under such supervision as the Secretary or his delegate may by regulations prescribe. If a claim is filed within 6 months from the date of such destruction, the Secretary or his delegate shall, under such regulations as he may prescribe, abate, remit, or, without interest, credit or refund the tax imposed under section 5001(a)(1) on the spirits so destroyed, to the proprietor of the distilled spirits plant who withdrew the distilled spirits on payment or determination of tax. "(c) Loss OF DISTILLED SPIRITS WITHDRAWN FROM BOND FOR RECTIFICATION O BOTTLING.— R

"(1) GENERAL.—Whenever any distilled spirits withdrawn from bond on payment or determination of tax for rectification or bottling are lost before the completion of the bottling and casing or other packaging of such spirits for removal from the bottling premises of the distilled spirits plant to which removed from bond, the Secretary or his delegate shall, under such regulations as he may prescribe, abate, remit, or, without interest, credit or refund the tax imposed on such spirits under section 5001 (a)(1) to the proprietor of the distilled spirits plant who withdrew the distilled spirits on payment or determination of tax for removal to his bottling premises, if it is established to the satisfaction of the Secretary or his delegate that— " (A) such loss occurred (i) by reason of accident while being removed from bond to bottling premises, or (ii) by reason of flood, fire, or other disaster; or " (B) such loss occurred by reason of, and was incident to, authorized rectifying, packaging, bottling, or casing operations (including losses by leakage or evaporation occurring during removal from bond to the bottling premises and during storage on bottling premises pending rectification or bottling). "(2) LIMITATION.—No abatement, remission, credit, or refund of taxes shall be made under this subsection— " (A) in any case where the claimant is indemnified or recompensed for the tax; " (B) in excess of the amount allowable under paragraph (3), in case of losses referred to in paragraph (1)(B); or " (C) unless a claim is filed, under such regulations as the Secretary or his delegate may prescribe, by the proprietor of the distilled spirits plant who withdrew the distilled spirits on payment or determination of tax, (i) within 6 months from the date of the loss in case of losses referred to in paragraph (1)(A), o r ( i i) within 6 months from the close of the fiscal year in which the loss occurred in case of losses referred to in paragraph (1)(B). The quantity of distilled spirits lost within the meaning of subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) shall be determined at such times and by such means or methods as the Secretary or his delegate shall by regulations prescribe.