Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1605

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[72 Stat. 1563]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1563]



PUBLIC LAW 85-86 1 - S E P T. 2, 1958

toiy promotion in chapter 837 of title 10, United States Code, except for cause or physical disability, or by reason of being twice passed over for promotion to the grade of captain, major, or lieutenant colonel. F I N A L SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS: D E C E A S E D MEMBERS SEC. 29. (a) In the settlement of the accounts of a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps who died before January 1, 1956, if a demand is not made by his legal representative, the General Accounting Office may allow any amount due, to the person highest on the following list living on the date of settlement: (1) Surviving spouse. (2) Children and their issue, per stirpes. (8) Father and mother in equal parts or, if either is dead, the survivor. (4) Brothers and sisters, and their children, per stirpes, (b) Reimbursement for funeral expenses may be made from the amount due the decedent's estate, if the person who paid the expenses presents a claim for them before settlement by the General Accounting Office. INCREASE I N A N N U I T I E S OF RETIRED CIVILIAN MEMB E R S OF THE TEACHING S T A F F S OF THE UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY A N D UNITED STATES NAVAL POST-GRADUATE SCHOOL SEC. 30. (a) A retired civilian member of the teaching staff of the United States Naval Academy or the United States Naval Postgraduate School who retired before April 1, 1948, is entitled to be paid, out of applicable current appropriations, $300 a year in addition to the annuity to which he is entitled under section 7085 of title 10. (b) A retired civilian member whose annuity, when increased by $300 under subsection (a), is less than $1860 is entitled to be paid an additional $300 a year out of applicable current appropriations. (c) Additions to the annuities of retired civilian members under subsection (b) do not increase the annuities payable tc the survivors of those members. ACCOUNTS OF D E C E A S E D MEMBERS SEC. 31. The designation of a beneficiary made for the purposes of any six months' death gratuity, including the designation of a person whose right to the gratuity does not depend upon that designation, and received in the military department concerned, the Department of the Treasury, the Department of Commerce, or the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, as the case may be, before January 1, 1966, is considered as the designation of a beneficiary for the purposes of section 2771 of title 10, United States Code, section 714 of title 32, United States Code, and sections 3 and 4 of this Act, in the absence of a designation under one of those sections, unless the member making the designation was missing, missing in action, in the hands of a liostile force, or interned in a foreign country any time after July 11, 1955, and before January 1, 1956.

1563 10 USC 8395.
