Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1641

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[72 Stat. 1599]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1599]



PUBLIC LAW 85-864-SEPT. 2, 1958

for such purpose under this title was greater or less than the amount which should have been paid to the State for such prior period under this title for such purpose. Such payments shall be made in such installments as the Commissioner may determine. "CJSE OF F U N D S

"SEC. 304. (a) Funds paid to a State under this title for area vocational education programs may be used, in carrying out such programs (under the part of the State plan meeting the requirements of section 305), for— "(1) maintenance of adequate programs of administration, supervision, and teacher-training; "(2) salaries and necessary travel expenses of State or local school personnel, including teachers, coordinators, supervisors, vocational guidance counselors, teacher-trainers, directors, administrators, and others; "(3) travel expenses of members of advisory committees or State boards; "(4) purchase, rental, or other acquisition, and maintenance and repair, of instructional equipment; "(5) purchase of instructional supplies and teaching aids; " (6) necessary costs of transportation of students; "(7) securing necessary educational information and data as a basis for the proper development of area vocational education programs and programs of vocational guidance; "(8) training and work-experience training programs for outof-school youths; "(9) related instruction for apprentices; and "(10) determining the need for, and planning and developing, area vocational education programs. " (b) Any equipment and teaching aids purchased wits funds appropriated to carry out the provisions of this title shall become the property of the State. "ADDITIONAL STATE PLAN REQUIREMENTS

"SEC, 305. (a) To be eligible to participate in this title the State plan must be amended to include a new part which— "(1) designates the State board as the sole agency for administration of such part of the plan (or for the supervision of the administration thereof by State or local educational agencies); "(2) provides minimum qualifications for teachers, teachertrainers, supervisors, directors and others having responsibilities under the plan; "(3) shows the plans, policies, and methods to be followed in carrying out such part of the State plan; "(4) provides such accounting, budgeting, and other fiscal methods and procedures as are necessary for the proper and efficient administration of such part of the State plan; and "(5) provides that the State board will make such reports to the Commissioner, in such form and containing such information, as are reasonably necessary to enable the Commissioner to perform his functions under this title. "(b) The Commissioner shall approve a part of any plan for purposes of this title if he finds that it fulfills the conditions specified m subsection (a) of this section. "(c) Whenever the Commissioner after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State board finds that— 98395-59-PT. I-101