Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1790

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[72 Stat. 1748]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1748]


PUBLIC LAW 85-908-SEPT. 2, 1968

[72 S T A T.

of Health, Education, and Welfare who shall have the cooperation and assistance of such other Federal departments and agencies as may be appropriate. (b) For the purpose of arriving at facts and recommendations concerning the utilization of skills, experience, and energies and the improvement of the conditions of our older people, the conference shall bring together representatives of Federal, State, and local governments, professional and lay people who are working in the field of aging, and of the general public including older persons themselves, denf.^*^* *° ^'^^^' (c) A final report of the White House Conference on Aging shall be submitted to the President not later than ninety days following the date on which the conference was called and the findings and recommendations included therein shall be immediately made available to the public. GRANTS

SEC. 202. (a) There is hereby authorized to be paid to each State which shall submit an application for funds for the exclusive use in planning and conducting a State conference on aging prior to and for the purpose of developing facts and recommendations and i:>reparing a report of the findings for presentation to the White House Conference on Aging, and in defraying costs incident to the State's delegates attending the White House Conference on Aging, a sum to be determined by the Secretary, but not less than $5,000 nor more than $15,000; such sums to be paid only from funds specifically appropriated for this purpose. (b) Payment shall be made by the Secretary to an officer designated by the Governor of the State to receive such payment and to assume responsibility for organizing and conducting the State conference. TITLE III—GENERAL PROVISIONS ADMINISTRATION


SEC. 301. In administering this Act, the Secretary shall: (1) Request the cooperation and assistance of such other Federal departments and agencies as may be appropriate in carrying out the provisions of the Act; (2) Render all reasonable assistance to the States in enabling them to organize and conduct conferences on aging prior to the White House Conference on Aging; (3) Prepare and make available background materials for the use of delegates to the White House Conference as he may deem necessary and shall prepare and distribute such report or reports of the Conference as may be indicated; and (4) In carrying out the provisions of this Act, engage such additional personnel as may be necessary (without reference to the provisions of the Civil Service Act) within the amount of the funds appropriated tor this purpose. ADVISORY C O M M I T I E E S

SEC. 302. The Secretary is authorized and directed to establish an Advisory Committee to the White House Conference on Aging composed of professional and public members, and, as necessary, to establish technical advisory committees to advise and assist in planning and conducting the Conference. Appointed members of such committees, while attending conferences or meetings of their committees or otherwise serving at the request of the Secretary, shall be entitled to receive compensation at a rate to be fixed by the Secretary but not