Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1866

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[72 Stat. 1824]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1824]



Legislation—Continued Amendatory provisions

Provisions affected

Statutes vol.: page




72 Stat.



1946 Aug.

2 2 2

60:806 60:810 60:810

Sec. 15 Sec. 7 Sec. 7 (a)-(d)

509 1274 843

85-594, sec. 1 85-858 85-749

2 2 7 7 7 7 7 9

60:812 60:853 60:875 60:896 60:896 60:896 60:896 60:963

Sec. 202(e) Sec. 10 Pub.L. 624 Sec. 1 Sec. 5 Sec. 6 Sec. 6 Sec. 3(c)

209 1569 98 15 15 15 708 1567

9 9 13

60:963 60:963 60:999

Sec. 4(a)(1) Sec. 10 Sec. 412

129 1567 211

13 13 13

60:999 60:999 60:1040

85-462, sec. 4 (o)... 85-861, sec. 36A 85-385 85-328, sec. 1 85-328, secs. 2, 4__85-328, sec. 3 85-715, sec. 1 85-861, sec. 33(d) (1). 85-422, sec. 5 85-861, sec. 33(d)(2) 85-462, sec. 6(a)(1) and (2). 85-462, sec. 6(a)(3) _ 85-477,sec. 502(h)._ 85-791, sec. 27(a), (b).

Sec. 415 Sec. 571(c) Sec. 632(b)(1), (2)

212 273 950

1947 May 19 June 21 23 23 23 30 July 16 17 23 26 26

61:102 61:136 61:136 61:136 61:136 61:213 61:328 61:361 61:409 61:495 61:495

Secs. 2, 3 Pub. L. 100 Sec. 101 ("sec. lOd"). Sec. 101 ("sec. lOe") Sec. 101 ("sec. lOf"). Sec. 1 Art. VI, sec. 2(a)_.. Sec. 105 Sec. 16 Sec. 2 Sec. 202(c), (d)

26 26

61:495 61:495

Sec. 202(,i) Sec. 203 (b)-(d)



Sec. 203(c)

30 30 Aug. 1

61:585 61:678 61:715

Pub. L. 269(61:606). Pub. L. 289 Sec. 1(a), (b)

1273 807 213

1 1 4 4 6 7 7 8 8

61:715 61:715 61:727 61:747 61:791 61:795 61:795 61:916 61:922

Sec. l(d)-(h) Sec. 3 Sec. 8__-_ Pub. L. 349 Sec. 5 Sec. 211(e)(1) Sec. 316(b) Pub. L. 383 Sec. 205(c)

Jan. 27 Apr. 24 May 18 28 28 June 3

62:6 62:198 62:237 62:277 62:277 62:292

Sec. 1011(h) Sec. 12 Sec. 2 Pub. L. 562 Sec. 5 Pub. L. 577

541 919 945 945 946 138 183 980 1555 514 514, 516 518 520


85-610, 85-767, 85-791, 85-791, 85-791, 8&-426, 85-451, 85-815, 85-861, 85-599, 85-599,

secs. 1, 2... sec. 2, 3 1... sec. 13(a) __ sec. 1 3 (b). _. sec. 1 3 (c) - . see. 2 0 2 (a).. sec. 2 see. 1(a) sec. 6 sec. 2 sec. 3(a), (b)

85-599, sec. 5 (b)... 85-599, sec. 9(a)...

85-599, sec. 1 0 (a). see. 14(93). sec. 1402(c) sec. 12(a),

213 214 1265 1266 1273 1556 1569 324 950

85-857, 85-726, 85-462, (b). 85-462, 85-462, 85-857, 85-857, 85-857, 85-861, 85-861, 85-505 85-791,

274 454 1273 807 321 1273

86-477, 85-573 85-857, 85-726, 85-503 85-857,

sec. 502(i)-_.

sec. 12(e).. sec. 1 2 (d). sec. 13 (m) sec. I S f n). sec. 14(94) sec. 8 sec. 3 6 A - - . sec. 28

Exception. Amendment. Existing text designated (a); new subsecs. (b)(d) added. Amendment. Repeal. Supplemental provision. Amendment. Revision; applicability. Amendment. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Revision.

Do. Repeal. Revision. Amendment. Do. Do. Revision. Partial repeal. Revision. Do. Do. Addition. Former subsecs. (b) and (c) redesignated (c) and (d); new subsec. (b) added. Amendment of redesignated subsec. (e). Partial repeal. Amendment. Do. Addition. Amendment. Do. Do. Repeal. Amendment. Repeal. Exception. Amendment.


sec. 14(95)-. sec. 1402(d). sec. 14(96)..

Addition. Amendment. Repeal. Amendment. Revision. Repeal.