Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/1929

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[72 Stat. 1887]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 1887]



Page Agriculture, Department of—Continued Page Agriculture, Department of—Continued Report, annual— Information employees, restriction on Appropriation for 197 use of funds for 192 Restriction on use of funds for 452 Insect pest control, appropriation for_ 189, 864 Reports to Congress— Judicial review of administrative deterPackers and Stockyards Act, 1921, minations and orders, records of functions under 1750 proceedings 941 Scientific and professional p o s i t i o n s.. 214 K l a m a t h Indian Forest, Oreg., acquisiResearch, appropriation for 188, 199, 864 tion of certain lands 816, 818 Rural Electrification Administration, Land conveyances— appropriation for 195 Clifton, N.J., United States Animal Rural Rehabilitation Corporation T r u s t Quarantine Station 680 Liquidation Act, funds for effecting Dayton, Wyo 618 provisions 196 Pima County, Ariz — 979 School lunch program, appropriation for. 194 Pleasant Grove, U t a h 588 School milk program, continuation 276 Redding, Calif 425 Science Information Council, memberRoosevelt National Forest, Colo 426 ship of director of library 1601 Salt Lake City, Utah 589 Scientific and professional positions, inLibrary, appropriation for 198 crease in number authorized 213A Livestock, human e slaughter 862 Secretary, OflEice of the, appropriation Loans— for 197 F a r m; insurance 840 Smith-I ever Act, funds for effecting Flood damage to farm property, provisions 189 appropriation for 196 Livestock, extension of authority 357 Soil Bank Act. See separate title. Rural electrification and telephone Soil bank programs, appropriation programs 195 for 51, 194, 865 Water resources, conservation. 841 Soil Conservation and Domestic AllotMarketing quotas. See Agricultural ment Act— Adjustment Act of 1938. Amendment, time extension 414 Marketing research and service, approFunds for effecting provisions 190-192 priation for 193 Soil Conservation Service— M e a t inspection, appropriation for... 189, 864 Appropriation for 190 Mexican farm labor program— Missouri, approval by central State Appropriation for 460 agency of soil conservation agreeExtension 934 ments 190 Motor vehicles, passenger, funds availTemporary employment of local able for; limitation 199 engineers 191 National Agricultural Advisory ComSugar Act program, appropriation for.. 195 mittee, appropriation for 197 Sugar beet seed, inclusion under proN o r t h Carolina land utilization project, visions of the Federal Seed Act 476 agreement to permit State to sell or Twine, restriction on purchase by 168, 199 exchange such lands for private United States Study Commissions on purposes 939 certain river basins, membership Organic Act of 1944, funds for effecting on 1059, 1091 provisions 191, 197 Water conservation and utilization Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921, projects, appropriation for 191 authority under; report 1750 Watershed protection— Penalty mail, appropriation for 189, 190 Appropriation for 191 P l a n t disease control, appropriation Projects, conditions for financial asfor 189, 864 sistance for fish and wildlife develPolitical activities, restriction 193 opment; restriction 1605 Poultry diseases, appropriation for Yazoo and Little Tallahatchie watereradication

189 sheds, purchase of lands for flood Publicity or propaganda, restriction on prevention, approval requirement - . 191 use of funds for 200 Yearbook of Agriculture— Range improvements, appropriation for. 167 Appropriation for 197 Reclamation projects, loans 196 Restriction on use of funds for 462 98395 0-59-PT. 1-119