Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/420

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[72 Stat. 378]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 378]


PUBLIC LAW 85-533-JULY 18, 1958

[72 S T A T.

pensation: Provided,\ and by inserting in lieu thereof: "on any holiday, shall be compensated for such duty, excluding periods when he is in a leave status, in lieu of his regular rate of basic compensation for such work, at the rate of twice such regular rate of basic compensation: Provided, That for the purposes of this Act, each such officer or member who works eight hours or less on any holiday shall be compensated for such duty in addition to his regular rate of basic compensation for such work, at the rate of one-eighth of his daily rate of basic compensation for each hour so worked, computed to the nearest hour, counting thirty minutes or more as a full hour, but notwithstanding the foregoing clause of this proviso, officers and members of the Fire Department of the District of Columbia performing duty from 6 o'clock postmeridian on a holiday until 8 o'clock antemeridian the day following such holiday shall be entitled to receive additional compensation for the period from 6 o'clock postmeridian until 12 o'clock midnight equal to one day's basic compensation, and officers and members of such Fire Department performing duty from 6 o'clock postmeridian on the day preceding a holiday until 8 o'clock antemeridian on a holiday shall be entitled to receive additional compensation for the period from 12 o'clock midnight until 8 o'clock antemeridian equal to one day's basic compensation: Provided further, That the total compensation to be paid any such officer or member for duty performed on a holiday shall not exceed an amount equal to twice the daily rate of pay to which such officer or member shall be entitled for performing one regular tour of duty on a day other than a holiday: And provided further\ "Holidays'*. (b) Section 2 of such Act approved October 24, 1951, as amended (65 Stat. 607; D. C. Code, sec. 4-808), is amended by striking therefrom "and such other days designated by Executive order." and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "and, with respect to officers and members of the Metropolitan Police force and the Fire Department of the District of Columbia, such other holidays as may be designated by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and with respect to officers and members of the White House Police force and the United States P a r k Police force, such other holidays as may be designated by Executive order.". Computation of SEC. 5. Subsection (b) of section 405 of the District of Columbia rates. Police and Firemen's Salary Act of 1953, as amended (67 Stat. 76; D. C. Code, sec. 4-821), is amended to read as follows: " (b) Whenever for any such purpose it is necessary to convert a basic annual rate established by this Act to a basic biweekly, weekly, daily, half-daily, or hourly rate, the following rules shall govern: " (A) The annual rate shall be divided by fifty-two or twentysix, as the case may be, to derive a weekly or biweekly rate; " (B) A weekly or biweekly rate shall be divided by five or ten, as the case may be, to derive a daily rate; " (C) A daily rate shall be divided by two to derive a one-half daily rate; and " (D) Except with respect to computation of holiday pay, a biweekly rate shall be divided by the number of hours constituting the biweekly tour of duty in order to derive an hourly rate. All rates shall be computed to the nearest cent, counting one-half cent and over as a whole cent." Approved July 18, 1958.