Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/618

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[72 Stat. 576]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 576]


PUBLIC LAW 86-628-AUG. 14, 1968

[72 S T A T.

Thence west along the quarter line to the C quarter corner of section 16; Thence north along the quarter line to the north sixteenth corner of section 16; Thence west along the north sixteenth line to the northeast sixteenth corner of section 17; Thence south along the east sixteenth line to the C-N-SE sixtyfourth corner, which is the southeast corner of the north half of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 17; Thence west along the sixty-fourth line to the C-N-S sixty-fourth corner, which is the southwest corner of the north half of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 17; Thence north along the quarter line to the north sixteenth corner of section 17; thence west along the north sixteenth line to the northwest sixteenth corner of section 17; Thence south along the west sixteenth line to the southwest sixteenth corner of section 17; Thence west along the south sixteenth line to the south sixteenth corner of section 18; Thence south along the quarter line to the C quarter corner of section 19; Thence west along the quarter line to the west quarter corner of section 19, said quarter corner lyin^ on the range line between ranges 30 and 31 east of the principal meridian, Montana; Thence south along the range line to the east q[uarter corner of section 25, township 3 north, range 30 east, principal meridian, Montana; Thence west along the quarter line to the east sixteenth corner of section 25; Thence south along the east sixteenth line to the southeast sixteenth corner of section 25; Thence west along the south sixteenth line to the south sixteenth corner of section 25; Thence south along the quarter line to the quarter corner between sections 25 and 36; Thence west along the section line to the corner common to sections 25, 26,35, and 36; Thence south along the section line to the quarter corner between sections 35 and 36; Thence west along the quarter line to the C quarter corner of section 35; Thence north along the quarter line to the north sixteenth corner of section 35; Thence west along the north sixteenth line to the northwest sixteenth corner of section 35; Thence south along the west sixteenth line to the west sixteenth corner of section 35; Thence west along the quarter line to the quarter corner between sections 34 and 35; Thence south along the section line to the south sixteenth corner between sections 34 and 35; Thence east along the south sixteenth line to the southwest sixteenth corner of section 35; Thence south along the west sixteenth line to the west sixteenth corner between section 35, township 3 north, range 30 east, and section 2, township 2 north, range 30 east, principal meridian, Montana; Thence west along the township line to the corner common to sections 34 and 35, township 3 north, range 30 east, and sections 2 and 3, township 2 north, range 30 east;