Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/78

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[72 Stat. 38]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 38]


PUBLIC LAW 85-348-MAR. 17, 1958

[72 S T A T.

Public Law 85-348 March 17, 1958 [S» 1086]

Bear River Compact.

AN ACT Oranting the consent of Congress to a Bear River Compact, and for related purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, The consent of Congress is hereby given to the Bear Kiver Compact entered into by the States of Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming. The compact reads as follows: " B E A R R IV E R COMPACT "The State of Idaho, the State of Utah, and the State of Wyoming, acting through their respective Commissioners after negotiations participated in by a representative of the United States of America appointed by the. President, have agreed to a Bear River Compact as follows: uABTIOLE I

"A. The major purposes of this Compact are to remove the causes of present and future controversy over the distribution and use of the waters of the Bear River; to provide for efficient use of water for multiple purposes; to permit additional development of the water resources of Bear River; and to promote interstate comity. "B. The physical and all other conditions peculiar to the Bear River constitute the basis for this Compact. No general principle or precedent with respect to any other interstate stream is intended to be established. "ARTICLE II

"As used in this Compact the term " 1, 'Bear River' means the Bear River and its tributaries from its source in the Uinta Mountains to its mouth in Great Salt Lake; "2. 'Bear Lake' means Bear Lake and Mud Lake; "3. 'Upper Division' means the portion of Bear River from its source in the Uinta Mountains to and including Pixley Dam, a diversion dam in the Southeast Quarter of Section 25, Township 23 North, Range 120 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming; "4. 'Central Division' means the portion of the Bear River from Pixley Dam to and including Stewart Dam, a diversion dam in Section 34, Township 13 South, Range 44 East, Boise Base and Meridian, Idaho; "5. 'Lower Division' means the portion of the Bear River between Stewart Dam and Great Salt Lake, including Bear Lake and its tributary drainage; "6. 'Upper Utah Section Diversions' means the sum of all diversions in second-feet from the Bear River and the tributaries of the Bear River joining the Bear River upstream from the point where the Bear River crosses the Utah-Wyommg State line above Evanston, Wyoming; excluding the diversions by the Hilliard East Fork Canal, Lannon Canal, Lone Mountain Ditch, and Hilliard West Side Canal; "7. 'Upper Wyoming Section Diversions' means the sum of all diversions in second-feet from the Bear River main stem from the point where the Bear River crosses the UtahWyoming State line above Evanston, Wyoming, to the point where the Bear River crosses the Wyoming-Utah State line east of Woodruff, Utah, and including the diversions by the Hilliard East Fork Canal, Lannon Canal, Lone Mountain Ditch, and Hilliard West Side Canal; "8. 'Lower Utah Section Diversions' means the sum of all diversions in second-feet from the Bear River main stem from the point where