Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/789

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[72 Stat. 747]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 747]



PUBLIC LAW 85-726-AUG. 23, 1958


of the Act of July 31, 1956 (Public Law 854, Eighty-fourth Congress), J°ulc*i7i%* and p and shall be subject to the approval of the Civil Service Commission, note. Positions created pursuant to this subsection shall be included in the '*' ^' ^^^' classified civil service of the United States, but appointment to such positions shall be made without competitive examination upon approval of the proposed appointee's qualifications by the Civil Service Commission or such officers or agents as it may designate for this purpose. ADVISORY COMMITTEES AND CONSULTANTS

(i) The Administrator is authorized to appoint such advisory committees as shall be appropriate for the purpose of consultation with and advice to the Agency in performance of its functions hereunder and to obtain services authorized by section 15 of the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a), at rates not to exceed $100 per diem for individuals, and for not to exceed one hundred days in any calendar year in the case of any individual. Members of such committees shall be entitled to travel expenses and per diem as authorized by the Administrative Expenses Act of 1946 (6 U.S.C. 73b-2), for all persons employed intermittently as consultants or experts receiving compensation on a per diem basis.

^o Stat. sio.

69 Stat. 394.


(j) Subject to the standards and procedures of section 505 of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, the Administrator is authorized to place not to exceed fifty positions in grades 16,17, and 18 of the General Schedule established by such Act. Such positions shall be in addition to (1) the number of positions authorized to be placed in such grades by such section 505 and (2) the number of positions transferred to the Agency under section 1502 of this Act which were (A) allocated under such section 505 to the Civil Aeronautics Administration of the Department of Commerce, (B) authorized for the Airways Modernization Board by Public Law 85-133 (71 Stat. 350), or (C) authorized for the Civil Aeronautics Administration by Public Law 85-469 (72 Stat. 228). The number of positions authorized for the Civil Aeronautics Administration by Public Law 85-469 shall not cause a reduction in total number of positions under section 505(h) of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended. COOPERATION W I T H OTHER


(k) The Administrator is authorized to use with their consent the available services, equipment, personnel, and facilities of other civilian or military agencies and instrumentalities of the Federal Government, on a reimoursable basis when appropriate, and on a similar basis to cooperate with such other agencies and instrumentalities in the establishment and use of services, equipment, and facilities of the Agency. The Administrator is further authorized to confer with and avail himself of the cooperation, services, records, and facilities of State, Territorial, municipal or other local agencies. A D M I N I S I RATION




SEC. 303. (a) The Administrator is empowered to make such expenditures at the seat of government and elsewhere as may be necessary for the exercise and performance of the powers and duties vested in and imposed upon him by law, and as from time to time may be appropriated for by Congress, including expenditures for (1) rent and per-
