Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/805

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[72 Stat. 763]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 763]

72 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 86-726-AUG. 23, 1968

416 (b), be deemed to be "air transportation" as used in this Act, and the rates of compensation for such transportation of mail shall not be fixed under this Act. FREE TRAVEL FOR POSTAL EMPLOYEES

(j) Every air carrier carrying the mails shall carry on any plane that it operates and without charge therefor, the persons in charge of the mails when on duty, and such duly accredited agents and officers of the Post Office Department, and post office inspectors, while traveling on official business relating to the transportation of mail by aircraft, as the Board may by regulation prescribe, upon the exhibition of their credentials. RATES FOR TRANSPORTATION OF M A I L AUTHORITY TO FIX RATES

SEC. 406. (a) The Board is empowered and directed, upon its own initiative or upon petition of the Postmaster General or an air carrier, (1) to fix and determine from time to time, after notice and hearing, the fair and reasonable rates of compensation for the transportation of mail by aircraft, the facilities used and useful therefor, and the services connected therewith (including the transportation of mail by an air carrier by other means than aircraft whenever such transportation is incidental to the transportation of mail by aircraft or is made necessary by conditions of emergency arising from aircraft operation), by each holder of a certificate authorizing the transportation of mail by aircraft, and to make such rates effective from such date as it shall determine to be proper; (2) to prescribe the method or methods, by aircraft-mile, pound-mile, weight, space, or any combination thereof, or otherwise, for ascertaining such rates of compensation for each air carrier or class of air carriers; and (3) to publish the same. RATE-MAKING ELEMENTS

(b) I n fixing and determining fair and reasonable rates of compensation under this section, the Board, considering the conditions peculiar to transportation by aircraft and to the particular air carrier or class of air carriers, may fix different rates for different air carriers or classes of air carriers, and different classes of service. I n determining the rate in each case, the Board shall take into consideration, among other factors, (1) the condition that such air carriers may hold and operate under certificates authorizing the carriage of mail only by providing necessary and adequate facilities and service for the transportation of mail; (2) such standards respecting the character and quality of service to be rendered by air carriers as may be prescribed by or pursuant to law; and (3) the need of each such air carrier for compensation for the transportation of mail sufficient to insure the performance of such service, and, together with all other revenue of the air carrier, to enable such air carrier under honest, economical, and efficient management, to maintain and continue the development of air transportation to the extent and of the character and quality required for the commerce of the United States, the Postal Service, and the national defense.