Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/532

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[73 Stat. 494]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1959
[73 Stat. 494]


PUBLIC LAW 86-254-SEPT. 10, 1959

[73 STAT

1953^ c ^m ^^^^' ^^^^^ 10500, dated November 4, 1953, including services as authorized 978. °"'^" ^' by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a), at rates 60 Stat. 810. jjot tQ exceed $100 per day for individuals; $39,000: Provided, That no part of these funds shall be obligated until agreement has been entered into, by the United States Government and the United States entity authorized to construct the power works in the International Rapids section of the Saint Lawrence River, providing for the reimbursement of the expenditures of the United States section of this Board by the construction entity. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS

68 Stat. 1114,

Appropriations in this title shall be available for uniforms, or allowances therefor, as authorized by the Act of September 1, 1954, j^g amended (5 U.S.C. 2131), and for printing, either during a recess or session of Congress, of survey reports authorized by law, and such survey reports as may be printed during a recess of Congress shall be printed, with illustrations, as documents of the next succeeding session of Congress; and during the current fiscal year the revolving fund. Corps of Engineers, shall be available for purchase (not to exceed one hundred and seventy-six for replacement only) and hire of passenger motor vehicles. TITLE II—DEPARTMENT OF THE



For carrying out the functions of the Bureau of Reclamation as provided in the Federal reclamation laws (Act of June 17, 1902, 32 43 USC 371 note. Stat. 388, and Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto) and other Acts applicable to that Bureau, as follows: GENERAL INVESTIGATIONS

For engineering and economic investigations of proposed Federal reclamation projects and studies of water conservation and development plans; formulating plans and preparing designs and specifications for authorized Federal reclamation projects or parts thereof prior to initial allocation of appropriations for construction of such projects or part s; and activities preliminary to the reconstruction, rehabilitation and betterment, financial adjustment, or extension of existing projects; to remain available until expended, $4,668,992, of which $3,742,742 shall be derived from the reclamation fund and $500,000 shall be derived from the Colorado River development fund: Provided, That none of this appropriation shall be used for more than one-half of the cost of an investigation requested by a State, municipality, or other interest: Provided further, That $195,000 of this appropriation shall be transferred to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service for studies, investigations, and reports thereon as required by the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 16 USC 661 note. 563-565) to providc that wildlife conservation shall receive equal consideration and be coordinated with other features of water-resource development programs of the Bureau of Reclamation. CONSTRUCTION AND REHABILITATION

For construction and rehabilitation of authorized reclamation projects or parts thereof (including power transmission facilities) and for other related activities, as authorized by law, to remain avail-