Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/769

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[73 Stat. A5]
PRIVATE LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1959
[73 Stat. A5]

73 S T A T. ]

PRIVATE LAW 86-7-MAY 13, 1969


of the Act of June 30, 1932 (5 U.S.C. 59a), is waived for the period beginning February 16, 1946, and ending May 23, 1954, both dates inclusive, insofar as it applied to First Lieutenant Logan Duff, retired (Army serial number 0109736), and he is relieved of liability to re^ay to the United States the sum of $6j677.08, which was erroneously paid to him as retired pay and as civilian salary during such period while he was employed by the officers' open mess. Fort Benning, Georgia. I n the audit and settlement of the accounts of any certifying or disDursing officer of the United States, full credit shall be given for all amounts for which liability is relieved by this Act. Approved May 13, 1959.

Private Law 86-6 AN ACT For the relief of Sister Mary Damion (Maria Saveria D'Amelio), Sister Maria Tarcisia (Maria Giovanna Fenuta), and Sister Mary Regina (Maria Lizzi).

iyi«yJ3, t^r^sm^

Be it enacted by the Senate and Flouse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, for the pur- lon^lnd'^S^s?*"*" poses of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Sister Mary Damion 66 Stat. les.' (Maria Saveria D'Amelio), Sister Maria Tarcisia (Maria Giovanna note.^ ^ ^ i i o i Fenuta), and Sister Mary Regina (Maria Lizzi), shall be held and Quota deductions. considered to have been lawfully admitted to the United States for *'""" permanent residence as of the date of the enactment of this Act, upon payment of the required visa fees. Upon the granting of permanent residence to such aliens as provided for in this Act, the Secretary of State shall instruct the proper quota-control officer to deduct the required numbers from the appropriate quota or quotas for the first year that such quota or quotas are available. Approved May 13, 1959.

Private Law 86-7 AN ACT For the relief of Oliver O. Newsome.

May 13, 1959 [H. R, i69t]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assemhted, That Oliver O. ^^^,*^ °' ^**^ Newsome, of San Bernardino, California, is hereby relieved of liability to the United States in the amount of $1,782.58 received by him, in good faith and upon assurances given him by responsible administrative officials that his employment was proper, as compensation for services rendered by him as a supply inspector, San Bernardino A i r Materiel Area, San Bernardino, California, during the period February 1, 1956, through July 31y 1956, inclusive, such employment having been unlawful by virtue of his status as an Air Force warrant officer retired for lengtn of service. I n the audit and settlement of the accounts of any certifying or disbursing officer of the United States, credit shall be given lor any amount for which liability is relieved by this Act. SEC. 2. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Oliver O. Newsome, an amount equal to the aggregate of the amounts paid by him or withheld from sums otherwise due him, in complete or partial satisfaction of the claim of the United States for refund of the amount for which Oliver O. Newsome is relieved of 32716 O-60—49