Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/994

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[73 Stat. D24]
[73 Stat. D24]




T A B L E 4.—Internal Revenue Code of 1954 Amendatory provisions

Affected section 73 Stat.



157 139

86-75, sec. 2 86-69, sec. 3(a)(1).

139 699 124 124, 128 381(c) (22). 127 381(c) (22), (d). 139 443 134 621 454(c) 700 542(c) 700 542(c)(ll) 112 801, 802 130 802(a)(3) 129 802(b)(3) 804-806, 809-812_ 115128 812(b)(1) 126 129, 815, 817-820 132 821(a)(1)(A), (b)(1) _. 156, 157 139 841 , . 139 841(1) 140 842 891 1016(a)(3)(C)r(a)(T7y. 139 624 1031(b)-(d) 622, 1037 623 140 1201 140 1201(c) 623 1232 623 1232(a)(2)(A) __ 140 1232(a)(2)(C).699 1371(c) 699 1374(b) 140 1504(b)(2) 699 1504(b)(8) 397 2011(e) 397 2014(b)(1), (2). 397 2014(f), (g)_...

86-69, sec. 3(a)(2) 86-376. sec. 1 (a) - 86-69, sec. 2 do

Amendment. Par. (1) deleted; (2), (3) redesignated as (1), (2). Do. Amendment. Exception. Do.

_do_ 86-69, sec. 3(c)-86-69, sec. 2 86-346, sec. 10286-376, sec. 3(a) do 86-69, sec. 2. do do do

Applicability. Addition. Conditional exception. Revision. Amendment. Addition. Revision. Exception. Do. Revision.

2038(c) 2053(c)(1)(B) 2053(d) 2202 Sec. 3121 (b) (6y(By(ii) 3121(e)(1), 3306(j).._ 4001 4041 (a), (b)

86-141, sec. 1 86-175, sec. 1 do 86-70, sec. 22(a) 86-168, sec. 202(a) 86-70, sec. 22(a) 86-344, sec. 1 86-342, sec. 201(b)(1), (2).

4041(f) 4057 (a), (b)

289 396 396 146 389 146 617 613, 614 613 617

4061 4081 4081(c)--4082(a) - - 4082(d)--4221(d)(4). 4221(d)(5). 4226(a)(5). 4?26(c)--.. 4226(d)--4226(d)(5).

157 614 613 615 615 146 617 614 614 614 614

86-75, sec. 3(a) 86-342, sec. 2 0 1 (c)(1). 86-342, sec. 2 0 1 (a). - 86-342, sec • 201(e)(1). 86-342, sec. 201(e)(2). 86-70, sec. 22(a) 86-344, sec. 2 (b) 86-342, sec. 2 0 1 (c)(1). 86-342, sec. 201(c)(3). 86-342, sec. 201(c)(2). do

11(b) 34(c)(l)-(3). 116(c)(l)-(3)-. 152(b)(2) 166(c), 171, 172. 242-246(b)

.do. .do.

Exception. Revision.

86-75, sec. 2.


86-69, sec. 3(b) do 86-69, sec. 3(f) 86-69, sec. 3(d) 86-346, sec. 201 (c)-(e) 86-346, sec. 201(a)

Do. Revision. Amendment. Addition. Amendment. Addition.

86-69, sec. 3(f) do 86-346, sec. 201(b) 86-346, sec. 201(a). 86-69, sec. 3(e) 86-376, sec. 2 (a) - 86-376, sec. 2(b) — 86-69, sec. 3(f) 86-376, sec. 2 86-175, sec. 3 86-175, sec. 2 do

Amendment. Addition. Applicability. Do. Revision. Addition. Amendment. Do. Deletion. Amendment. Exception. Subsec. (f) relettered (g); new (f) added. Addition. Exception. Revision. Amendment. Do. Do. Do. Supplemental provision; amendment. Addition. Amendment; amended text designated as subsec. (a); new (b) added. Amendment. Supplemental provision; exception. Addition. Amendment. Addition. Amendment. Do. Addition. Amendment. Do. Supplemental provision.

86-342, sec. 201(b), 8&-344, sec. 2(a) - -