Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/1240

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[76 Stat. 1192]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 1192]


PUBLIC LAW 87-874-OCT. 23, 1962

[76 STAT.

struction of the plants herein authorized and their integration with that system shall be made in accordance with preferences expressed in the Federal reclamation laws except that a first preference, to the extent as needed and as fixed by the Secretary of the Interior, but not to exceed 25 per centum of such additional energy, shall be given, under reclamation law, to preference customers in Tuolumne and Calaveras Counties, California, for use in that county, who are ready, able, and willing, within twelve months after notice of availability by the Secretary of the Interior, to enter into contracts for the energy and that Tuolumne and Calaveras County preference customers may exercise their option in the same date in each successive fifth year providing written notice of their intention to use the energy is given to the Secretary not less than eighteen months prior to said dates: And provided further, That the Secretary of the Army give consideration during the preconstruction planning for the New Melones project to the advisability of including storage for the regulation of streamflow for the purpose of downstream water quality control. The Hidden Reservoir, Fresno River, California, is hereby authorized substantially in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers in Senate Document Numbered 37, Eighty-seventh Congress, at an estimated cost of $14,338,000. The Buchanan Reservoir, Chowchilla River, California, is hereby authorized substantially in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers in Senate Document Numbered 98, Eightyseventh Congress, at an estimated cost of $13,585,000. The project for flood protection on Mormon Slough, Calaveras River, California, is hereby authorized substantially in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers in House Document Numbered 576, Eighty-seventh Congress, at an estimated cost of $1,960,000. R U S S I A N RIVER B A S I N

The project for.Russian River, Dry Creek, California, is hereby authorized substantially in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers in House Document Numbered 547, Eightyseventh Congress, at an estimated cost of $42,400,000. REDWOOD CREEK B A S I N

The project for flood protection on Redwood Creek, Humboldt County, California, is hereby authorized substantially in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers m House Document Numbered 497, Eighty-seventh Congress, at an estimated cost of $2,580,000. LOS ANGEI.E8 RIVER B A S I N

55 Stat. 647.

I n addition to previous authorizations, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of $3,700,000 for the prosecution of the comprehensive plan for the Los Angeles River Basin approved in the Act of August 18, 1941, as amended and supplemented by subsequent Acts of Congress, ROGUE RIVER B A S I N

The project for the Rogue River, Oregon and California, is hereby authorized substantially in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers in House Document Numbered 566, Eightyseventh Congress, at an estimated cost of $106,700,000, subject to the conditions of local cooperation specified in said report: Provided, That the project is to be located, constructed, and operated to accomplish the benefits as set forth and described in the report and appendixes: And provided further, That in the years of short water supply all