Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/507

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[76 Stat. 459]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 459]

76 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 87-649-SEPT. 7, 1962

(L) the Marine Corps Keserve Force; (M) the Philippme Scouts; or (N) the Philippine Constabulary; (3) tor a commissioned officer in service on June 30, 1922, all service that was then counted in computing longevity pay and all service as a contract surgeon serving full time; (4) all periods during which he held an appointment as a nurse, reserve nurse, or commissioned officer in the Army Nurse Corps as it existed at any time before April 16, 1947, the Navy Nurse Corps as it existed at any time before April 16, 1947, or the Public Health Service, or a reserve component of any of them; (5) all periods during which lie Avas a deck officer or junior engineer in the Coast and Geodetic Survey; (6) all periods that, under law in effect on January 10, 1962, were authorized to be credited in computing basic pay; (7) for an officer of the Medical Corps or Dental Corps of the Army or Navy, an officer of the Air Force designated as a medical or dental officer, or an officer of the Public Health Service commissioned as a medical or dental officer—four years; (8) for a medical officer named in clause (7) who has completed one year of medical internship or the equivalent thereof— one year in addition to the four years prescribed by clause (7); and (9) all periods while— (A) on a temporary disability retired list, honorary retired list, or a retired list of a uniformed service; (B) entitled to retired pay, retirement pay, or retainer pay, from a uniformed service or the Veterans' Administration, as a member of the Fleet Reserve or the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve; or (C) a member of the Honorary Reserve of the Officers'Reserve Corps or the Organized Reserve Corps. Except for any period of active service described in clause (1) of this subsection and except as provided by section 1402(b)-(d) of title 10, a period of service described in clauses (2) - (9) of this subsection that is performed while on a retired list, in a retired status, or in the Fleet Reserve or Fleet Marine Corps Reserve, may not be included to increase retired pay, retirement pay, or retainer pay. (b) A period of time may not be counted more than once under subsection (a) of this section. In addition, the amount of service authorized to be credited under clause (7) or (8) of subsection (a) of this section to an officer shall be reduced by the amount of any service otherwise creditable under that subsection that covers any part of his professional education or internship. (c) Notwithstanding any other law, service credited under clause (7) or (8) of subsection (a) of this section may not— (1) be included in establishing eligibility for voluntary or involuntary retirement or separation from a uniformed service; (2) increase the retired or retirement pay of a person who became entitled to that pay before May 1, 1956; or (3) increase the retired pay of a person who is entitled to that pay under chapter 67 of title 10, after April 30, 1956, and who does not perform active duty after May 1, 1956. (d) The periods of service authorized to be counted under subsection (a) of this section shall, under regulations prescribed by (he Secretary concerned, include service performed by a member of a uniformed service before he became 18 years of age.


70A Stat. io7.