Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/568

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[76 Stat. 520]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 520]

520 10 USC 1581^^*^' 10 USC 2202.

47 Stat. 417.

PUBLIC LAW 87-651-SEPT. 7, 1962

[76 STAT.

(b) Chapter 81 of title 10, United States Code, is further amended by inserting at the beginning of the analysis: "1580. Appointment generally." SEC. 207. (a) Chapter 131 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding after section 2202: "§ 2203. Budget estimates "To account for, and report, the cost of performance of readily identifiable functional programs and activities, with segregation of operatirtg and capital programs, budget estimates of the Department of Defense shall be prepared, presented, and justified, where practicable, and authorized programs shall be administered, in such form and manner ks the Secretary of Defense, subject to the authority and direction of the President, may prescribe. As far as practicable, budget estimates and authorized programs of the military departments shall be uniform and in readily comparable form.

  • '§ 2204. Obligation of appropriations

"To prevent overdrafts and deficiencies in the fiscal year for which appropriations are made, appropriations made to the Department of Defense or to a military department, and reimbursements thereto, are available for obligation and expenditure only under scheduled rates of obligation, or changes thereto, that have been approved by the Secretary of Defense. This section does not prohibit the Department of Defense from incurring a deficiency that it has been authorized by law to incur. "§2205. Availability of reimbursements "Reimbursements made to appropriations of the Department of Defense or a department or agency thereof under section 686 of title 31, or Other amounts paid by or on behalf of a department or agency of the Department of Defense to another department or agency of the Department of Defense, or by or on behalf of personnel of any department or organization, for services rendered or supplies furnished, may be credited to authorized accounts. Funds so credited are available for obligation for the same period as the funds in the account so credited. Such an account shall be accounted for as one fund on the books of the Department of the Treasury. "§2206. Disbursement of funds of military department to cover obligation of another agency of Department of Defense "As far as authorized by the Secretary of Defense, a disbursing officer of a military department may, out of available advances, make disbursements to cover obligations in connection* with any function, power, or duty of another department or agency of the Department of Defense and charge those disbursements on vouchers, to the appropriate appropriation of that department or agency. Disbursements so made shall be adjusted in settling the accounts of the disbursing officer. "§ 2207. Expenditure of appropriations: limitation "Money appropriated to the Department of Defense may not be spent under a contract other than a contract for personal services unless that contract provides that— " (1) the United States may, by written notice to the contractor, terminate the right of the contractor to proceed under the contract if the Secretary concerned or his designee finds, after notice and hearing, that the contractor, or his agent or other representative, offered or gave any gratuity, such as entertainment or a gift, to an officer, official, or employee of the United States to obtain a contract or favorable treatment in the awarding, amending, or