Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77A.djvu/520

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References to Tariff Schedules

TOURIST LITERATURE 270.70 TOWELS Soh 3 Pt 5C Hdnte 1 TOWERS, of base metal 652.9U-98 TOXINS U37.76 TOy(S) Soh 7 Pt ^ Hdnte 1 & 2 alphabet blocks, building blocks 737.55 balls 735.09-12 books '• 737.52 figures of animate objects 737.2^-50 models 737.07-15 musical instruments 737.60 nspf . 737.80-90 of rubber or plastics, for pets 773.05 TRACK TOOLS 651.25 TRACTORS— automobile truck Sch 6 Pt 6 B Hdnte 1(b)j 692.05 engines 66.1tO platform 692.UO suitable for agricultural use 692.30 other 692.35 TRAILERS 692.60 TRAINS, model 737.05-15 TRANSFORMERS 682.10 TRANSISTORS 687.60 TRANSITS 710.UO-lt2 TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT Sch 6 Pt 6 TRAVELING BAGS Sch 7 Pt ID Hdnte 2(a)(i) TRAVERTINE, and articles of 512.21-31 TRAYS, of rubber or plastics 772.09 TREES, artificial 7U8.20-21 TRICHLORIDE(S) — phosphorus 1;19 -82 trichloroethylene U29.i;2 trichloromethane (chloroform) li29.2U other (classifiable according to cation constituent iil7.l8-U23.00 and under "halogenated hydrocarbons") 1*29.U8 TRICHLOROETHILENE U29.ll2 TRICYCLES 732.50-52 TRIETHANOLAMINE ' UZS.IZ TRIMMINGS— of textile materials (see also MOTIIS and ORNAMENTS) 357.70 of other materials Sch 7 Pt 7B TRIOXIDE(S) — arsenic lil7.62 other (classifiable according to cation constituent)-Ul7.l8-li23.00 TRIPOLI— crude 519.17 in grains, ground, pulverized, or refined519.3U TROMBONES Sch 7 Pt 3A Hdnte 2(a) j 725.20-22 TRUCKS— automobile 692.05; 692.15 fork-lift, platform, and other selfpropelled work trucks, off-the-highviay types 692.liO TRUFFLES lUU.30 TRUMPETS 725.20-22 TRUNKS (luggage) Sch 7 Pt ID Hdnte 2(a)(i) TRUSSES (surgical) 709-57 TUBAS 725.20-22 TUBE OR TUBA ROOT U93.02-OU TUBERS 125.30

References to Tariff Schedules TUBES— of asbestos and hydraulic cement 518.UI of base metal Sch 6 Pt 2 Hdnte 3(e) aluminum 6l8.U5-U7 copper 613.02-12 iron or steel— cast iron 610.56-58 conduits for electric conductors 688.30-35 other 610.30-52 lead 621+.50-5U nickel >620.UO-U2 tin 622.UO zinc 626.Ii5 of base metal or metal carbides, coated or cored with flux, for soldering, etc 653-10-15 electronic 687.50-6o for electric lamps, vacuum tubes, e t c — 5U7.37 other 51|0.1il-li3j 5U8-01-03 of metal, collapsible 6U0.U0 of paper, for holding thread or yarn 256.65-67 of rubber or plastics, for tires 772.57-60 X-ray 709.61 TUBING— of asbestos, or asbestos and other spinnable fiber Sch 3 Hdnte l(ii) 518.21 of g l a s s 5UO.U1-U35 51+8.01-03 of m e t a l, f l e x i b l e 652.09 of textile m a t e r i a l s (see a l s o FABRICS, NARROW) 3 l i 7. 1 5 - 2 0; 31+7.65 of rubber or p l a s t i c s Sch 7 Pt 12B Hdnte 1(c) & 2(v) for gases or l i q u i d s 772.65 TUCKINGS 357 • 60 TUFTED— fabrics 3U6.70-95 floor coverings 360.65-80 TUNA (see FISH) TUNG— nuts 175.51+ oil 176.60 TUNGSTATE(S)— ammonium 1+17.1+0 calcium 1+18.30 potassium 1+20.32 sodium 1+21.56 other ( c l a s s i f i a b l e according to c a t i o n constituent) 1+17.18-1+23 -00 TUNGSTEN (see a l s o METALS) — compounds (see a l s o TUNGSTATE(S)) l+22.i+0+.l+2 mixtures of 1+23.92 ferrosilicon (alloy) Sch 6 Pt 2B Hdnte 2(e) ( i x) 607.65 metal 629.25-35 ore 601.51+ TUNGSTIC ACID 1+16.1+0 TUNING— 726.10 forks 726.1+5 pins TURBINES— steam 660.25-35 water 660.65-70 TURMERIC, spice I62.I3 TURNBUCKLES 61+6.72; 61+6.78 TURNIPS ( s e e a l s o VEGETABLES) 137.66