Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/1448

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[78 STAT. 1406]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 1406]




Rice, transferring of acreage allotments, Page Rural Rehabilitation Corporation Trust Page Liquidation Act, appropriation for elimination of certain requirements. 6 effecting provisions 874 Rio Grande Canalization Project, authoriRyukyu Islands, appropriation for adzation for maintenance of flood and ministration 1020 sediment control dams 956 Rivers and Harbors: Bayou Black and Bayou Terrebonne, La., portions declared nonnavigable waters 381 Safety Council, National, audit of accounts; report to Congress 635 Colorado River hydroelectric projects, jurisdiction over construction 607 Saint Elizabeths Hospital: Appropriation for 210, 974 Construction, general, appropriation Loudoun County, Va., commitment of for 1031 persons found on Federal property Delaware River P o r t Authority, bridges, in 638 etc., construction and maintenance authorization 216 Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site, N.H., establishment 749 Flood control. See separate title. Frio River, Tex., flood control s u r v e y - 308 Saint Lawrence Seaway, oil pollution control 1210 Lower Colorado River, conclusion of agreements with Mexico on flood Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, appropriation for 692 control 386 Saint Louis, Mo., 200th anniversary, Mississippi River, flood control, approstriking of commemorative m e d a l s - 16 priation for 684 Saint Louis River, construction of dam, Missouri River Basin reclamation projauthorization 222 ect, appropriation authorization 446 Point Pleasant Canal, N.J., designation1074 Saint Paul, Minn., conveyance by Department of Army of United States inRio Grande canalization project, authorterest in certain lands 378 ization for maintenance of flood 283 and sediment control dams 956 Saline Water, Office of, appropriation forSalt Lake City, Utah, lands conveyed to Saint Louis River, Minn., construction M o u n t Olivet Cemetery Association, of dam, authorization 222 authorization for public school u s e - 379 Upper Colorado River storage project, appropriation for 687 Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Reservation, Ariz., land conveyance 564 White River, Ark., G r a h a m Burke P u m p i n g Plant, designation 1062 Sanford Reservoir, Canadian Federal Reclamation Project, Tex., recreation Riyerton Federal Reclamation Project, facilities 744 Wyo.: Increased appropriation authorized 853 Santa Barbara, Calif., appropriation for clearing of debris in area 1031 Purchase of lands; water delivery; reports to Congress 156 Sarpy County, Nebr., jurisdiction of Court of Claims to render j u d g m e n t Rongelap Atoll, Marshall Islands, radiation upon claim 399 victims, settlement of claims 598 Savery-Pot Hook Federal Reclamation Roosevelt Campobello International Park Project, Colo.-Wyo., construction 852 Act 299 Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, Roosevelt Campobello International Park Federal: Commission, appropriation for 1027 Appropriation for 663 Rosebud Sioux Reservation, S. Dak., Calendar year audit 698 lands held in t r u s t 560 School Lunch Program, appropriation for868 Rural Areas, special programs to combat poverty in 524 School Lunch Week, National, 1964, proclamation 1252 Rural Areas Development, Office of, appropriation for 871 Schools and Colleges. See also Education. Agriculture and mechanic arts colleges, Rural Electrification Act of 1936, approappropriation for endowment 964 priation for effecting provisions 873 College housing, loan approval 806 Rural Electrification Administration: Federally affected areas, extension of Alaska earthquake damages, new aid 1109 Federal loan adjustments 506 Gallaudet College, appropriation for 977 Appropriation for 873