Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/111

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PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965

79 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 89-12-APR. 16, 1965


farm from which it is transferred is increased or decreased under this section. " (g) When marketing quotas under this section are in effect, pro- Penalties., visions with respect to penalties for the marketing of excess tobacco and the other provisions contained in section 314 of the Act shall apply, s/statf^sga'!' except that: i use i3i4. "(1) No penalty on excess tobacco shall be due or collected until 110 per centum (120 per centum in the case of Burley tobacco for the first year for which marketing quotas are made effective under this section) of the farm marketing quota for a farm has been marketed, but with respect to each pound of tobacco marketed in excess of such percentage the full penalty rate shall be due, payable, and collected at the time of marketing on each pound of tobacco marketed, and any tobacco marketed in excess of 100 per centum of the farm marketing quota will require a reduction in subsequent farm marketing quotas in accordance with paragraph (a)(8): Provided, however, I f the Secretary, in his discretion, determines it is desirable to encourage the marketing of grade N2 tobacco, or any grade of tobacco not eligible for price support, in order to meet the normal demands of export and domestic markets, he may authorize the marketing of such tobacco in a marketing year without the payment of penalty or deduction from subsequent quotas to the extent of 5 per centum of the farm, marketing quota for the farm on which the tobacco was produced. "(2) When marketing quotas established under this section are in effect the provisions with respect to penalties contained in the third sentence of subsection 314(a) shall be revised to read: 'If any producer falsely identifies or fails to account for the disposition of any tobacco, the Secretary, in lieu of assessing and collecting penalties based on actual marketings of excess tobacco, may elect to assess a penalty computed by multiplying the full penalty rate by an amount of tobacco equal to 25 per centum of the farm marketing quota plus the farm yield of the number of acres harvested in excess of the farm acreage allotment and the penalty in respect thereof shall be paid and remitted by the producer.' " (3) For the first year a marketing quota program established under the provisions of this section is in effect, the words 'normal production' where they appear in the fourth sentence of subsection (a) of such section shall be read 'farm yield' and the said fourth sentence shall otherwise be applicable. For the second and succeeding years for which a program established under the provisions of this section is in effect, the provisions of subsection (a)(8) shall apply when penalties, if any, on carryover tobacco are computed, and the provisions contained in the fourth sentence of subsection 314(a) shall not be applicable. " (h) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, for any ^uriey tobacco. year subsequent to the first year for which marketing quotas are made effective under this section for Burley tobacco— " (1) the farm acreage allotment for Burley tobacco under this section shall not be less than the smallest of (A) the acreage allotment established for the farm for such first year, (B) five-tenths of an acre, or (C) 10 per centum of the cropland; and "(2) the farm marketing quota for Burley tobacco under this section shall not be less than the minimum allotment provided by clause (1) multiplied by the farm yield established for such first year for such farm. F a r m acreage allotments and marketing quotas to which the provisions of (1) and (2) are applicable shall be subject to adjustment for overmarketing or undermarketing or reductions required by subsection