Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/119

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PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965



PUBLIC LAW 89-15-APR. 26, 1965

fairly evaluated, including but not limited to plant, equipment, and services." SEC. 9. (a) Title II of the Act is amended by adding part C to the end thereof to read as follows:


76 Stat. 25

42 USC 25812602.


"SEC. 241. The Secretaries of Labor and of Health, Education, and Welfare, in accordance with their respective responsibilities under parts A and B of this title, are authorized to provide a supplementary program of training and training allowances, in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce, for unemployed and underemployed persons residing in areas designated as redevelopment areas by the Secretary of Commerce under the Area Redevelopment Act or any subsequent Act authorizing such designation. Such program shall be carried out by the Secretaries of Labor and of Health, Education, and Welfare in accordance with the provisions otherwise applicable to programs under this Act and with their respective functions under those provisions, except that— " (1) the Secretary of Labor, in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce, shall determine the occupational training or retraining needs of unemployed or underemployed individuals residing in redevelopment areas; "(2) all unemployed or underemployed individuals residing in redevelopment areas who can reasonably be expected to obtain employment as a result of such training may be referred and selected for training and shall be eligible for training allowances under this section: Provided, That the amount and duration of training allowances under this section shall in no event exceed the amount and duration of training allowances provided under section 203(a) of this Act; "(3) the Secretaries of Labor and of Health, Education, and Welfare shall, each with respect to his functions under this section, prescribe jointly with the Secretary of Commerce such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section; and "(4) no funds available under this section shall be apportioned to any State pursuant to section 301 of this Act, nor shall any matching funds be required." (b) Sections 16 and 17 of the Area Redevelopment Act (42 U.S.C. 2513 and 2514) are repealed. The repeal of these sections shall not affect the disbursement of funds under, or the carrying out of, any contract, commitment, or other obligation entered into pursuant to the Area Redevelopment Act prior to the effective date of the repeal of such sections. (c) This section and the amendments made by it shall take effect on July 1, 1965. SEC. 10. Section 301 of the Act is amended by striking the period at the end thereof, inserting a colon, and adding the following proviso: '•Provided, That no funds apportioned with respect to a State in any fiscal year shall be reapportioned before the expiration of the sixth month of such fiscal year and only upon 30 days' prior notice to such State of the proposed reapportionment, except that the requirement for prior notice shall not apply with respect to any reapportionment made during the last quarter of the fiscal year." SEC. 11. Section 302 of the Act is amended by striking the word "and" following "the Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act" insert-

77 Stat. 4 2 2.

75 Stat. 4 7. 42 USC 2501 note.

Training allowances.

Ante, p. 77. 42 USC 2583. Regulatory authority.

76 Stat. 30. 42 USC 2611. Repeals. 75 Stat. 5 8.

42 USC 2611.

42 USC 2612. 39 Stat. 929. 20 USC 15i and note.