Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1267

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[79 STAT. 1227]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1227]

79 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 89-329-NOV. 8, 1965


there is satisfactory assurance that upon acquisition of the library resources with respect to which assistance under this part is sought, or upon acquisition of those resources and other library resources planned to be acquired within a reasonable time, the institution will meet the accreditation standards of such agency or association. LIMITATION

SEC. 207. No grant may be made under this part for books, periodicals, documents, or other related materials to Ibe used for sectarian instruction or religious worship, or primarily in connection with any part of the program of a school or department of divinity. For pur- "school or deposes of this section, the term "school or department of divmity" means vfnit^^" an institution or a department or branch of an institution whose program is specifically for the education of students to prepare them to become ministers of religion or to enter upon some other religious vocation, or to prepare them to teach theological subjects. CONSULTATIOSr WITH STATE AGENCY

SEC. 208. Each institution of higher education which receives a grant under this part shall periodically inform the State agency (if any) concerned with the educational activities of all institutions of higher education in the State in which such institution is located, of its activities under this part. PART B—LIBRARY TRAINING AND RESEARCH APPROPRIATIONS AUTHORIZED

SEC. 221. There are authorized to be appropriated $15,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, and for each of the two succeeding fiscal years, for the purpose of carrying out this part. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, and the succeeding fiscal year, there may be appropriated for such purpose only such sums as the Congress may hereafter authorize by law. DEFINITION o r "LIBRARIANSHIP5?

SEC. 222. For the purposes of this part the term "librarianship" means the principles and practices of the library and information sciences, including the acquisition, organization, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of information, and reference and research use of library and other information resources. GRANTS FOR TRAINING IN LIBRARIANSHIP

SEC. 223. (a) The Commissioner is authorized to make grants to institutions of higher education to assist them in training persons in librarianship. Such grants may be used by sudh institutions to assist in covering the cost of courses of training or study for such persons, and for establishing and maintaining fellowships or traineeships with stipends (including allowances for traveling, subsistence, and other expenses) for felloM^s and others undergoing training and their dependents not in excess of such maximum amounts as may be prescribed by the Commissioner. (b) The Commissioner may make a grant to an institution of higher education only upon application by the institution and only upon his finding that such program will substantially further the objective of increasing the opportunities throughout the Nation for training in librarianship.