Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/1630

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[79 STAT. 1590]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 1590]


LAWS AFFECTED IN VOLUME 7 9 T A B L E 4.—Internal Revenue Code of


Amendatory provisions Affected section Section

79 Stat.

Public law

72(n)(l)(A)(iii).. 72(n)(l)(B)(iii)._ 72(n)(3) 79(b)(1) 213(a) 213(b) 213(c) 213(e)(l)-(4)._.-

337 337 167, 168 337 336, 337 336, 337 337 336

89-97 89-97 89-44 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97

106 (d)(2), 106 (d)(2), 809 (d)(2), 106 (d)f3), 106 (a), 106 (b), 106 (d), 106 (c),

213(g) 263(a)(3) 263(d) 401(d)(4)(B)___. 405(b)(l)(D)(ii). 451(c) 874(a) 1314(a)(1)(A)..-

337 964, 965 964, 965 337 337 382, 385 167, 168 168

89-97 89-243 89-243 89-97 89-97 89-67 89-44 89-44

1401 1401(b) 1402 1402(a) 1402(b)(1)(C)._. 1402(b)(1)(D)... 1402(c) 1402(c)(3) 1402(c) r4) 1402(c)(6) 1402(c)(6) 1402(e)(1) 1402(e) r2)(A) _._ 1402(e)(2)(B). __ 1402(e)(3)(A)... 1402(e)(3)(D). _. 1402(e)(5), (6)...

394, 396 342, 343 401 381 3P3, 394 393, 394 381 395 381 381 390, 392 381 381 411,412 412 411 401, 403

89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97

106(d), (e) 4 (p)(l), (3) 4(p)(2), (3) 106(d) (41, (e) 106(d)(5), (e) 313(b), (f) 809 (d)(3), (f) 809 (d)(5)(B), (f) 321 (a), (d) 111(c)(4), (e) 331(a) 312 (b), (c) 320 (b)(1), (c) 320(b)(1), (c) 311(b)(2), (c) 321(a) 311(b)(2) 311(b)(1), (2) 319(a), (e) 311(b)(3), (c) 311(b)(3), (c) 341(a), (c) 341(b) 341(b), (c) 331(a), (d)

1402(h) 1481 (b)(2)(A)(i).

391, 392 168

89-97 89-44

3101 3101(b) 3102(a) 3102(c) 3111 3111(b) 3121(a)(1) 3121(a)(1) 3121(a)(12) 3121(b)(6)(C)(iv) 3121(b)(7)(C)... 3121(b)(9) 3121(b)(13) 3121(k)(l)(B)(iii) 3121(k)(l)(H).__ 3121(q) 3J22 3125(a)r(b)I---3125(c) 3201

395, 342, 382, 382,

396 343 383 385 396 343 389 393, 394 383, 385 381 388, 390 395, 396 381 386 386 383, 385 393, 394 393, 394 389 335, 342

89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97 89-97

3201 3201(l)-(5)

861, 862 861, 862

89-212 89-212

319(c), (e) 809(d)(6)(B), (f) 321(b), (d) 11 He)(6), (e) 313(c)(1), (2) 313(c), (f) 321(c), (d) 111(c)(6), (e) 317(c)(1) 320(b)(2), (c) 313(c)(3), (f) 311(b)(4), (c) 317(b), (g) 321(b), (c) 311(b)(5), (c) 316(a) 316(b) 313(c)(4), (f) 320(b)(3), (c) 320(b)(4), (c) 317(c)(l) - (3) 105(b)(1), 111 (c)(1) 4,6 5(a), 6

3202 3202(a) 3202(c)

861, 862 858, 862 858, 862

89-212 89-212 89-212

4,6 2(a), 6 2(a)(2), 6


(e) (e) (f) (e) (e) (e) (e) (e)

Amendment. Do. Do. Do. Revision. Partial repeal. Deletion. Par. (1) deleted: (2) renumbered as (4); new (i) - (3) added. Deletion. Revision. Addition. Amendment. Do. Addition. Amendment. Do. Revision. Amendment. Exception. Amendment. Do. Addition. Amendment. Exception. Nonapplicability. Revision; nonapplicability. Addition. Amendment. Revision. Amendment. Exception. Addition. Pars. (5), (6) deleted; new (6) a d d e d; applicability. Addition. Amendment. Revision. Amendment. Amendment; applicability. Addition. Revision. Amendment. Exception. Amendment. Addition. Amendment. Addition; nonapplicability. Exception. Amendment. Revision. Addition. Do. Amendment. Do. Addition. Amendment. Do. Pars. (1), (2) deleted; new (1)(5) added. Amendment. Amendment; applicability. Addition.